Saturday 2 September 2017

Here's Looking At You, Kid...

...And It All Depends

from ‘Should Trump End DACA And Deport “Dreamers”?’ - Bradley Matthews - September 1
(To clarify: ‘Dreamers’ being illegal aliens who arrived here as children.  Result of the poll: Yes, deport: 87%.  No: 13%.  My vote: At the last minute: No.  For the reason(s) I then shared (below).)

Stan Stanfield

It’s a tough call. On the one hand they are the fruit of an illegal act, and are tainted as such. On the other hand, it was the fault of our politicians that they were allowed to stay here in the first place. If Congress had done its job and closed the border back when Pres. Reagan allowed an amnesty, as it was supposed to do as part of the deal, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Blame both parties, not just the Democrats (who want such people for their votes, for giving them goodies; as opposed to those Republicans who want them for their cheap labor). So, ‘we’ have to bear some of the guilt in this terrible matter. So the answer to the dilemma needs to acknowledge the full picture.

For me: My sympathies lie more with those immigrant families who waited their turn patiently to come here through the front door; and thus signaled that they were good potential law-abiding citizens. Not [with] those who jumped the queue.
September 1, 2017,8:17 pm


Plus, the question about those illegal-alien families who were lured here under the false pretense of their children born here gaining U.S. citizenship at birth.  NOT TRUE.   A clearly false reading of the 14th Amendment.   But who’s to blame for that terribly fraught situation??  They were just doing what they were lured into doing, based on a false belief.

A lot of blame to go around, in such matters.

And, on the other hand…:

from ‘Carlson - Sellout RINOs, Ryan Support DACA Illegals - Ignore Citizens, Trump Agenda’ - Rick Wells - September 1/2
(Fox News’s Tucker Carlson telling it like it is.  And then at the end to a DREAMer guest, an attorney who argues for his illegal position, and is roundly pulled up short in his emotive argument by a not-buying-it Carlson.  ‘Are you saying that we don’t have a right to determine who comes into our country?…’  
My Comments are still blocked from being able to be posted on that site.  I really don’t think that it is due to Rick blocking me.  He tells it like it is far more vociferously than I ever had.  And then when I tried to access that site again, to check the date that his article indicated was its posting date, the block was in on me from the start:  ’Safari Can’t Open the Page’…or sometimes ‘400 - Bad request’…)

Stan - September 1

Thank you for standing so solidly for Truth in the mater, Tucker.

While the Hispanic lawyer was bleating about ‘people who risk their lives to come to this country to become good citizens…’ I couldn’t help but think of an article in the MSM that I saw once recently when I teleported and time traveled to a particular timeline in the country’s future:  From 2019:

‘President Raoul Garcia today condemned harshly a small boatload of white Europeans trying to slip into the country, who have been jailed for twenty years.  He explained: “We are trying to create a nation of people of color here.  No more white Europeans are welcome here.  We are waiting for the few whites left to die out, so that we can declare this country ours!”  His announcement was met by loud cheers from the assembled residents, and including the news reporters.
     ‘This report was drafted with the help of the Associated Press.  The last white reporters for which have been jailed, for suspicion of disloyalty to the Revolucion.  Along with various other malcontents, left over from the Old Order.
     ‘Viva la Revolucion!’

N.B. As soon as I came back from that stop on that timeline, I canceled it.  
The whole thing.
We’ll get through the one that we are on, somehow.
Perhaps with a litlle help from our friends.  
In high places.
And elsewhere on this plane.
Who are part of
the Larger Picture.


And while on this sort of subject, a thought regarding another aspect of the brainwashing/propagandizing that we are being subjected to; in the constant spinning by the MSM and pols on the take of everything possible against Trump:

For the MSM and pols constantly to ‘blame Trump for the violence going on in the country’ is absurd; is to blame the ideologically anticipated ‘reaction’ to the Marxists’ attempted takedown of this country. Is to keep the ideological ratchet going one way.  It is classic Marxist theory; and the MSM is playing right into the hands of these termites.  Or, what is undoubtedly more accurate, it is a calculated part of that takedown attempt.*

Which actually is more fascist than communist; the New World Order being a creation, and creature, of the corporate crowd.  Not of the ‘working class’,

But no matter, essentially.  Essentially, it is all one and the same: An attempt by our erstwhile masters for totalitarian takeover and subsequent control of the planet.

And I am, and millions like me are, here to see that that outcome will not transpire - to see that that attempt does not rule the day.  To see the world into its New Day, governed by the Light.  Not the Dark.  Their Day being


* One of the recent polls of the propagandists; to the question: ‘The policies and rhetoric of the Trump administration have led to increased racial division in America’: 69%.  ‘Not much’: 21%.  ‘The rest wouldn’t cooperate with us.’  (I jest.  But sometimes, you have to make light of all this indoctrination crap going on these culminating days.)

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