Friday 15 September 2017

I Am Stunned

I have been reading a book about the founding of the United States of America - entitled 'James Madison And The Making Of America,' by Prof. Kevin R.C. Gutzman1 - and two things are occurring to me.  One is how such close-run a thing it was, getting this country off the ground.  Those men who gathered in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 (sweltering to some, old-hat to others), ostensibly to look at improving the Articles of Confederation, but really, via the leaders of the enterprise - like Madison - to help craft a new form of government, to overcome the by-then obvious deficiencies of the Confederation form, and offer an alternative to the states for ratification, with cogent arguments as to the need and in support of the new structure (particularly offered to the public in what has become known in our time as The Federalist Papers; an excellent read as to such a subject) - those destined few, then, came together, and could hardly agree on anything, let alone on such an august matter as the birth of a new nation on this planet, based on wisdom gained from its past such enterprises.  But somehow, they managed to put aside their individual differences, sufficient enough to come up with a proposal.  Which was ultimately adopted, with a set of Bill of Rights appended to it.2  And the new nation was, finally, off and running.  Down to our time.


The other thing occurring to me, in the reading of this book, checked out of our city's public library, is that very fact: that I as a citizen of this great nation (basically) have access to such material, readily to hand (I like that word, with 'read' embedded in it).  To aid me in fulfilling my responsibility, as a citizen of this country, founded on the principle of the Individual being the sovereign.  Not the state, in whatever form it may take; under the likes of such as crown or clergy, oligarchy or despot, or even good - or at least, well-intentioned - representatives of The People.   It behooves us, then, to appreciate such a treasure as our public libraries.

And so acknowledged, here.

But even with such a treasure in our midst, we have fallen short of our responsibility, in this nation, of all nations.  For, even with ready access (there's that 'read' word again...) to such sources of information - and now with the invention of the Internet; another marvelous instrument for the acquiring of knowledge - we have fallen down - terribly - on our job.

One example is how we have even been warned, via such educative means, about the rise of a 'kept' media.  I refer to two such specific warnings.  One was by a Director of the CIA as early as 1975, when we were warned, quote: "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."  And as if that weren't 'warning' enough, we were given again a second such warning, by another CIA Director, some years later; quote: "We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false."

And we have had our noses rubbed in that sort of warning yet again, a few days ago, in reminder of what happened in this country on '9/11'.  With all the coverage that has been given that terrible day's events. over the years.  And I continue to marvel at how long it is taking the American public to wake up to the likes of that iconic image of 9/11 where a jet airliner is flying - to this day; in our not-completely suppressed media - into a steel-framed building and disappears into it like slicing through butter.

'That's a dead parrot!'

'No it isn't.  It's just stunned.'

And I am stunned over how easily 'we' have been duped by that obvious bit of CGI.  Of legerdemain.  Of Hollywood-style imagery.  Like a Roadrunner cartoon.

And by all the other false flag operations since then, each with their individual telltale details giving them away, for what they really were.  And are. to this still unawakened day....

Wake up, Public.  You had been well warned, that something like that 9/11 event might happen; with people with an agenda running the 'show'.

And you have - so far - blown your chances.

To wake up out of the dream.

And get to work   Building

The New.

Without all the corruptive crap attached to it, that has built up on it over the years, like barnacles weighing down and corroding the ship of state.

The specific ship of state, of the United States of America.

And of the world. As we begin to experience ourselves

as One.

The right way.

Not the Dark-side way, that the crafters of the New World Order have planned for the world.

There is a larger Plan afoot.

Let's be about it.

That better business.  Than any mere mortal could have conceived of.

And I am stunned that anybody could even have thought that we mortals were in charge of this enterprise.

What fools we mortals be.


No longer.

Our time - of awakening -

has come.


Or be left behind.

This 'ship' is moving on.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

But be aware, that you have been given ample opportunity to awaken to that fact.

Including the fact that the likes of Google is attempting - as we speak - to keep you in a 'kept' condition.  By deciding - for you - what information you 'should' have access to.  That is to say, what information is the 'correct' information.  And what information you should not be exposed to.  The authorized version, then.  Not the unexpurgated versions on a subject.

Deciding for you, what is best for you.

Good little subject that you are.

To them.

Your erstwhile keepers.

Unless you awaken.

And release their hold over you.

By asserting that you are the sovereign.

Not them.

In this universe.

As a Child of this universe.

And its Creator.

Claim your true nature


P.S. Another excellent read on that fated summer's Convention is Catherine Drinker Bowen's 'Miracle at Philadelphia'.
     That is, if you're into that sort of thing.
     Not everyone is, I realize.
     But, there you go.
     Different strokes.
     Considering as how we are all One only in one way.
     One fundamental way.



1 The reason that I am reading this book, and at this time, is too long a story to go into here and now.  Suffice it to say that it is timely, in particular and in general.

2 Which even the man among them who came to be known as the Father of the Constitution, James Madison (primarily for his meticulous keeping of notes on the proceedings, but also for his leading role in the calling of the Convention), warned against, as possibly leading to the impression that the federal government that they were crafting had/was being given any such powers that said Bill of Rights would need to be inserted into the rule of law for the new nation to guard against (a concern ultimately addressed by the addition to the B of R of the 9th and 10th Amendments; indicating very clearly that the B of R was just an example of the rights (9th) and powers (10th) that the federal government was not being given by the states.  A warning that has proved to be very perceptive, indeed; even with said two amendments included.
   For the record, then: The federal government of this nation is a government of limited and delegated powers.  "Few and defined," in the rather authoritative words of said Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  Who ultimately became one of the presidents of this new nation.  "Conceived in liberty," etc. etc.

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