Monday 4 September 2017

The Screwloose Letters

My Dear Nephew,

You tell me of all the good things that your Church is doing.  And that is fine, as far as that goes.  But I can tell you of one thing that it has not done, which undercuts all the good that you say it has done.  And that is in failing to heed a particularly important 'prophecy' of your founder and supposed prophet, known as the White Horse Prophecy.

It was a statement made in the middle of the nineteenth century, according to your modern time reckoning, when he warned that a time would come in the United States when its Constitution would be, quote, "hanging by a thread," and that the Church would come to its rescue.

That time has passed.

The Church did not come to its rescue.

It has fallen.

It fell, when neither the Church, nor anyone else, came sufficiently to its rescue, in calling an ineligible candidate for the office of your presidency on his illegality, and he not only ran for that august office, but was elected to it.  And not only once.  But twice.  Rubbing it in, as one of your sayings has it.

And that failure to act may well cost you your country.  Because it unleashed the spirit of anarchy.  Of what you call 'arbitrary law'.  Which has led as well to widespread voter and electoral fraud; since the spirit of anarchy has been allowed to be represented in relation to the highest office in your land, and thus has been given a sort of 'safe passage' for the same sort of thing to become endemic in your land.  And that spirit will continue, unto the collapse of your country, under the weight of millions of unsupervised immigrants - some legal, most not - invading your country, and taking it over.

All, because your Church, and other citizens of your land, failed to heed the wisdom behind another of your sayings, this one regarding 'for the want of a nail'.

So, don't talk to me about "all the good things that your Church is doing".

It has failed its biggest test.

incidentally,  your nation my still be saved.  But it will not be because of your actions.

It will be in spite of them.  To say: In spite of this inaction on your Church's part.

Having been given fair warning, to set things to rights, when it was most needed.

A major lesson, Nephew.

A shame that the test was not passed.

But - as they say -

that's life.

And an observation thereof by

Your affectionate Uncle

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