Tuesday 5 September 2017

On Knowing Your Enemy - Part II

I knew that something was terribly wrong over in America (from where I was living at the time, and had been for some time, in the north of Scotland; as regulars perusing these pages, about Life In Our Times, will have well known by now) when word reached us that President Reagan had been shot.  And not so much that word - although that was bad enough.  But following on from that news, a report that, when that news was announced in some classroom or other somewhere over in the States, the students let out a big cheer.

What??!! I exclaimed to myself.  What the hell was that all about??? 

I knew broadly ‘what that was all about’ from the reactions in my community - my spiritual community, no less - to the election itself of Reagan some years previously to that seminal event in his years in the office, when snide remarks about him became ’coin of our realm,’ and including a poster put up in the building where I worked at the time - known affectionately as Pubs, for the Publications Building - which depicted a decrepit old Reagan, with turkey jowls hanging, alongside a similarly unflattering portrait of Margaret Thatcher, in a parody of Gone With the Wind, in place of Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara.  I took it all, then, as good political fun (although it certainly let me know where the most of my s.c. compatriots stood politically speaking; a la as well the ‘word’ amongst the youth of Scotland, about ‘Thatcher the Milk Snatcher’).  But this business of yet another American president being gunned down was more, far more than just heated political differences.

This was the mark of the end of a two-party system of government; and the attempted imposition of a one-party system, and state. 

Was the sign of an attempted coup, in other words.  

Mounted by whom??

Well, in this instance, by -  obviously - the Left.  The far Left.  And not just socialists. But of outright communists. 

Of the likes of Bolsheviks.  And Maoists.

Certainly not just a benign form of socialism, as practiced in the Scandinavian countries.  (Of which there were a considerable number among the members of our international community.)  

So it was one thing when a good friend of mine - a staunch advocate of trees in particular; to the point of having produced and continuing to produce an excellent series of calendars on said subject, of pictures taken by him from all over the world - repeated a ‘mantrum’ of sorts, purportedly a quote from RR as having said, deprecatingly, ’You’ve seen one tree, you’ve seen’em all’.1  But it was quite another for a spirit of venomosity to have been allowed to be created.  By people who have known precisely what they were doing.

And not just creatures from the far Left.

But the far Right as well.

to clarify my ‘take’ on such political matters, and descriptive references:

I subscribe to the model as it developed from the French Assembly after the Revolution; originally from the absolute monarchs on the right of the Assembly president to the limited/constitutional monarchs on the left, and over time the idea developing of a spectrum where the socialists and communists sat ‘progressively’ to the left of the center aisle, and the Monarchists (and representatives of business interests in our day) sat progressively to the right of the aisle.2  I am aware of another model of the political spectrum that has both the communists - the far Left in ‘my’ model - and the fascists - the far Right in my model - to the far Left, as representing ‘statism’/big government, gradating over to pure anarchy over on the far Right.  But I find that model very confusing, as it puts both the communists and the fascists in the same political ‘camp’.

Well - actually: that’s not far from the truth, at that; in our day……

To continue. In that vein.  To say: We are experiencing a confluence of political sentiments, whereby the far Right - i.e., the fascists; classically speaking, a corporate-government complex (as practiced, and championed, in Mussolini’s Italy, with an emphasis on private property - particularly on the private property of the large landowners and business owners) - is using the far Left student ‘ideologues’ as their cannon fodder, to pave the way for their ultimate takeover of the system.  And the world, in this age of a proposed (top-down) New World Order.

And now we come down to the crux, and crunch, of the matter.  For it was not Reagan who championed the NWO.  He championed liberty and free enterprise and personal accountability - among the traditional American virtues.3  It was the Bush family camp that was a part of the NWO mob; which champions monopoly, controlled by them.           

And so it was the Bush the Younger’s administration that built on various inroads to power under the previous administrations of Bill Clinton and Bush the Senior, by orchestrating 9/11 into being.  Which gave them the twofold Opportunity, to go into the Middle East and cause mayhem and takeover there, on the one hand,4 and the passage of the (already drawn up and ready to go) draconian PATRIOT Act on the other.  In the far Right’s steady, and sinister, moves to take over this country.

By hook or by crook.

And mostly by crooks, as it has turned out.

Who will get their just deserts.  Because

it’s time.

As Trump has rained on their parade into their vaunted NWO.  Precisely as RR did in his time, at the helm of the good ship U.S.S. America.

And ‘they’ can’t have losing another bite at the big apple.  And thus the huge outpouring of venom by the vipers in the MSM towards anything and everything that Trump tries, to MAGA.  Which they certainly don’t want to happen, runs precisely counter to their vision for the U.S.  Which is to weaken it as much as possible, in order to set up a takeover scheme, of creating a climate for martial law to be declared. And the UN troops to come in and take over.  On the way to the totalitarian New World Order, of the venomous vipers’ lustful vision, for the future of the planet.

Which is precisely counter to what is really going to happen.

Because it is a - the - reverse image of

the Real Thing.

And thus, the Dark side has called it into being.  

All unbeknownst to them.

For being so divorced from their Creator, and that higher Will, that they don’t understand how these things work. 

‘These things.’

Such as


Out of the muck and mire of our llower human consciousness.

Into the sunlit highlands of a New Day.

For spiritual beings having a human experience.

And now,

growing out of it. 

Out, that is to say, of their relative childhood.

And into their maturity.

Just a little - a very little, now - 


the angels.  

Of their better natures.

As the aforesaid spiritual beings,


their basic nature.

Now to be inherited.

For those who are ready to own their inheritance.

Because - 

as I say.  And can’t emphasize strongly enough, the point.  That 

it’s time.


1 Which, I found out much later on my journey through life in these parts, turned out to be apocryphal.  And in fact, RR was a great lover - Rhett Butler-like??? - of his beloved ranch in the hills behind Santa Barbara in Southern California, which featured (and still does) a considerable number of such blithely endured specimens of Nature…
   ('Rancho del Cielo,' RR named it.  Ranch in the Sky.  Of which he once said words to the effect, "If it's not heaven, it's in the same zip code."  His home for many years; where he was, then, very much at home.  Trees and all...
   ...and where to this day some words from his Farewell Address, in January 1989, can still be found, speaking to us:
   "Are we doing a good enough job teaching our children what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world?"
   Not so's one could notice very well, these dark days...)

2 Over a period of time in France the left-right divide morphed into the defenders of Catholicism on the one, ’right' hand and the advocates for the separation of church and state on the other.  
   And some political eager beavers have attempted to carry that idea over into the American system of government, by attempting to cut the Christian church, or any church, out of any ‘support’ whatsoever by ‘the state’ in this country.  Which is a nonsense according to the system of government in this country.  But never let it be said that zealots will not employ whatever tools they can bring to hand to further their cause.
   For the record: The Founders of this country were very religious-minded.  (To the point of a stern warning by one of them - one of my more illustrious ancestors, as a matter of relevant fact - to its future generations, that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.")  With appropriate safeguards built into the structure to keep any one denomination - or religion itself - from becoming the established religion.
   But to continue.

3 Which the idealistic youth have been manipulated into believing is tantamount to environmental destruction, and so must itself be destroyed, before such people - that is, believers in ‘freedom’ - essential liberty - are ‘allowed’ to trash the planet into unsustainable sea level rises, and so forth.  And who is behind all this propaganda, about Man-made Global Warming - oops, they mean, now, ‘Climate Change’??  which is being caused in part by the Dark side’s ability to use weather as warfare???
   The likes of the Trilateral Commission.
   The fascists.  Angling to create a Crisis.  To act as the lever for an Opportunity.  Their Opportunity; to take over.  And now, the whole planet.
   But to continue.

4 And which benefited enormously the far Right/Likud government in israel, in furtherance of their aims for Eretz Israel; Mossad having helped, in a big way, with the success of 9/11.  All, to come out, in the end.
   Which it will.
   Which it is.

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