Wednesday 24 December 2014

'Fix This Nation': Not Sure We Can...

from 'The Spy Clause: NSA's Intrusion Now Fully Legal' - Dec. 18 (posted Dec. 23)
('The $1 trillion+ spending bill passed by Congress last week has attracted opposition from both sides of the aisle. While conservatives lament Republican surrender on amnesty and Obamacare and liberals lament campaign finance tweaks and Wall Street regulation reform, another piece of legislation has flown largely under the radar. Perhaps that’s only fitting, considering that Congress authorized what some have called the most un-American legalization of government intrusion in history.

Spy Games
The world was aghast when Edward Snowden released documents proving the extent to which the National Security Agency was spying on Americans. Collecting phone records and details that should have been prohibited except in the wake of a warrant, the NSA has been keeping very close tabs on American activity. Congress, in their Intelligence Authorization Act, managed to include a clause that gave the NSA the freedom to collect nonpublic data for the next five years. Section 309 of the bill gives allowance for the “acquisition, retention, and dissemination” of said data.
What is “nonpublic data?” Well, in government parlance, it refers to the content of calls, texts, emails, credit card bills, and bank statements. And the NSA needs neither a warrant nor any official reason whatsoever to go digging through the trove. If they want to look at your communications, they now have the full legal authority to do so.
Unlawful Search and Seizure…')

Thanks for this article. I hadn't heard abut this atrocious matter. All the more reason that 
a) we can't trust the current political-party system to look out for the interests of The People (rather, they look primarily after the interests of their respective interest groups); and 
b) we need to take matters into our own hands. To - as your title suggests:

fix this nation.


P.S.  Later today, on this same subject:

I just received, in my Christmas Eve mail, the December issue of the newsletter of a conservative outfit called Freedom Center.  Headed by a former 'Red baby' who upon maturity left his communist roots and opted for free institutions - one David Horowitz - on the very front page of this n/l he says, from his 'Desk': "Let me be frank.  I believe that Barack Obama is the first and only president we've ever had who doesn't love our country."

I'm not sure about that.  A feeling rekindled earlier this evening, when I watched a video called 'The Anatomy Of A Great Deception'.  Made by a fellow named David Hooper, it is the story of his coming awake regarding 9/11, and realizing - having to realize, following meticulously the evidence trail (including, and especially, the 'pulling' of WTC7) - that his government did it.

That's the Bush Jr. administration.  Riddled as it was with Neo-Cons, who wanted - and according to their own words (in the manifesto for The Project for a New American Century)  - "a new Pearl Harbor," in order to get Americans to go to war in the Middle East, for a) oil, and b) Israel; and not necessarily in that order.  And they got it, in their obscene false-flag op - among others; but the one that will go down in infamy as 9/11.  And which caper included the blunt fact that the Bush family were involved in the security for the WTC buildings (and in at least one of the airports involved in this dastardly project).

What is the significance of this fact?  Because the only way that those buildings - all three of them - could come down the way they did was if there were pre-planted explosives in them; which involves the taking-down of security cameras.  And, in the event, which involved a fleet of unmarked vehicles coming into the Center in the dead of night from August 23rd until either the 2nd or 3rd of September.  And leaving a tell-tale layer of dust on some office desks and other equipment (which at least some employees remarked on publicly).  And which signified drilling going on.  As in the planting of explosives.

Which involved, not only your normal, garden-variety type.  But something called nanothermite.  Which is not your normal, garden-variety type of thermite either.  (Thermite being capable of slicing through steel.  Which your normal, kerosene-fueled fires can't do/melt.)  But is a product of U.S. military research.

And NIST; the official, government agency involved in the cover-up?:

An arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce.


the military-industrial complex, that Ike warned us about.  Specifically.

And their tentacles reaching also into the Mainstream Media, which aided enormously in the cover-up.  Including reporting, before it happened, the taking-down - precisely into its footprint - of WTC7.

Never hit by any plane.  With asymmetrical fires on some of its floors…

I knew most of these facts before - because, like any good American citizen should have, by then, in the nation's history, I was curious about the anomalies that kept cropping up in the official story.  But I got something new out of this video (which was narrated by Hooper himself; and refreshingly honest, and painful, for him, in the telling): the period of time that those mysterious vehicles had started appearing, in the dead of night, at the WTC; after the building-cleaning crews had gone home for the night.  And the fact of nanothermite's genealogy.  (Its tell-tale 'footprints' found in the dust of the rubble.  By independent investigators.  And never explained, by the authorities, to this day.  Including how bin Laden - the Great Boogeyman of the last decade (and a known CIA asset) -  could have gotten hold of any of it...)

Oh.  And another factoid.  Which may not have meant much to anybody else, in researching this attack on the American mainland by its enemies.  But did to me.  Which was the little matter of NIST being an arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce.  Because you see, it's the likes of that outfit that is behind the Obama administration's Executive Ordering of the in-effect amnesty for millions of (low-paid, under-the-table) illegal aliens - and the current Congress's slavish rubber-stamping of that unconstitutional act.

And so, this ALL is proving to be the handiwork of a nest of people who want a New World Order, run by them, for them.  With their reach extending into both political camps -

of a nation that they can't love very much, if they are so willing - even eager - to take it down.  And merge it into just being a part of a region of their (totalitarian) New World Order.  That region already delineated - under the Bush Jr. administration -  as being called the North American Union.

With no borders between Canada, Mexico -

and the late, unlamented - by them -

United States of America.  

So, no, David.  Meaning, in particular in this case, Horowitz:

Look beyond just the 'nest' of your former comrades.

The other David - i.e., Hooper; the maker of this from-his-heart video on 9/11 - has already gotten a handle on the extent of the Powers That Be behind it.

By concluding his 'Anatomy' with a quote from

Ephesians.  Specifically: 6:12.

And I would include the verses immediately around that one.

And I'm not even a believer.

Except in good, common


Have as Merry a Christmas as you can, Everyone.

It may be your last.

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