Saturday 6 December 2014

On Dreams (aka The Process - II

Having just established in these pages my passion for America,1 its flag, and its founding principles - of the likes of limited government/'essential liberty,' free enterprise, and traditional moral values2 - I can now move on into a little more detail about 'the situation' that we find ourselves in; in particular with regard to the current demonizing of America from within, including of its Founding Fathers.

For, there are two areas of contention going on here.  One is of the founding itself.3  And the other is with respect to the perversions of The Dream that have taken place over the years; and especially recently by the NeoCons, and their agenda for establishing hegemonic control over the Middle East, in particular for attempting to 'corner the market' in oil.4  Of the founding, and that generation of men, I will only make mention in passing in this blog of the 'politics' behind the 'historical revisionist' charges.  Most of this sort of material is just that: political screed, mounted by socialists, who find it necessary to 'stake their claim' on this country by bringing down The Founders, and all that jazz.  For, if The People still have pride in the founders/founding of their country, they will not give their country up as well as a herd of mind-controlled sheep will, or at least, might.  Hence the historical demonizing going on (in our schools especially).  Hence the push by the Obama administration for getting as many Hispanics into the country as possible, and getting them to vote for the far Left's agenda; which includes the claims of the La Raza crowd.5

These collectivists don't want just to take over the United States of America.  They want to merge - submerge - it into a region (the North American Union; with Canada & Mexico) of their vaunted New World Order, of totalitarian, top-down big-stick governance, by our erstwhile Masters; treating us like mere automatons of the state, with no individual rights, no socio-political room to exercise our free will: that which primarily characterizes us from the rest of the animals on the planet.6

And now, hopefully, you begin to see the true picture, if you don't already know of it.  'It': that this is not just a move by the far Left, to establish a collectivist government, and society, for melding into their socialist NWO.  They are the 'shock troops' of the real perps, behind them.  And behind the far Right's fascist (i.e., corporate-government complex) desires as well.  Both political extremes being the facades of a pyramid of power with the same nest of vipers at the top.

Who are 'they'?  'They' are the hugely rich individuals and families who have been controlling things on the planet for a long, long time; as placemen, and -women, for an alien race of beings called the Reptilians.  Who use us humans - emotions & bodies - as & for an energy source.

David Icke is right, in his research findings, on this matter.  

And so - what to do?

For one thing, we Americans can -

and I want to close this particular blog on this point; and save any other comments on this general subject for another time (don't want to tire your poor, hobbled - mind-controlled - brain out too much in one sitting) - 

come together, in the middle, between these two extremes.  Democrats and Republicans, in common cause, against the Controllers.  The 'Movers And Shakers'.  The 'Masters of the Universe'.  (A huge laugh, that one.  But to continue.)  Because we have much more in common than we have been led to believe, by our 'keepers'.  Yes, we have many socio-political differences between us.  (Being 'traditionalists' and 'progressives'.)  But we both are against the Moneyed Elite.  The Power Elite.  The Cabal.  

Those who would control us to within an inch of our cattlefied lives.  In their New World Order, based on Power Over.  Rather than Power With, and From Within.

Based rather, that is to say, on another word for the same thing:


The essence of the universe.

Recognizing, that We
One.  Facets, aspects, points-of-view of One magnificent Being.  

What do I mean by, and how to, 'come together'??  Both sides - i.e., roughly speaking, 'conservative' and 'liberal'; those for the status quo and those for change - of this history-unfolding process that we have been engaged in from the very start, have elements in them of both truth and falsity, to 'bring to the table'.  That is part of  the process; of arriving, finally, at a culminating point of Synthesis.  A true point of Synthesis; not just another state of 'thesis' - a position with elements in it still to be 'purified' by - brought to stasis by - The Process.  

You see, our Science - our rational, thinking 'side' (as opposed to the intuitive) - has now caught up with Truth.  Not 'religion'.  That state of things is part of the Play, the Process, to be unfolded.  Into, rather, 'Spirit' en toto itself.  

That which Science (that outworking of that part of our makeup; roughly speaking, left-brain thinking) has now discovered.  That, behind/beyond the Illusion of matter - of the projection, the hologram, the Matrix that we have been embedded in, for aeons of time - and behind/beyond Time itself - is 

another reality.

A larger reality.

A true reality (at the least, compared to our 3D frequency of such).

A 'containing' reality.

With consciousness.

With, to say: a Mind.

And so, 

a) there is Plan in - & therefore undoubtedly Purpose to7 - 'the universe' (i.e., that Life has meaning beyond just in & for itself only; as the atheists 'believe', in their state still of Unknowing/Unfolding); and

b) we have reached a state and stage of Understanding, that augurs a paradigm shift for Humanity.

With some of our galactic Brothers and Sisters to give us a hand up, as well.  At this time of 
our Shift.  Up.  In consciousness.   And level of Being.  To a higher octave of The Reality.  Of, in a word: Light.

But of all that, another time.  This should be enough to cogitate on for a bit, in itself.  But, yes:

More to come.

In a number of ways.  Including



A P.S. on that closing note:      

1) So we find out, in our day and age - from our scientists; and, from many studies and books and videos on the general subjects of Past Lives and Near Death Experiences - that there is, indeed and after all, 'something more than Man'.  (To say: more than just volcano 'gods,' and such: unseen 'powers' to placate.)  

2) And so - with that Awareness, and Understanding, now - we need en masse to start acting as if it is true; and not as if it were not, as we are doing, largely, at present.  

3) And with no more gods of Thunder and Vengeance and such running the show.  Those attitudes are obviously in error; products of tribal consciousnesses.  Not of the higher consciousness that we are called to now.  
     In our time.8                               



1 My home country; which I refer to fondly as my country, so dear to my heart is it.  And for whatever role I may well have played in its founding, so strong is my allegiance to it, and its primary message to the world: for its individuals to be your own moral, and political, agent; sovereign in your own right.  And responsibility. 

2 like fiscal prudence and probity, and honest dealings in general.  As John Adams said (quick: Who was he???): "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  Or this, by Samuel Adams: "If ever aTime should come, when vain and aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots, to prevent its Ruin."  Whoa!  And who was this dude, then, who nailed it so well???…
   Actually, both of therm ancestors of mine.  But to continue.  And with an observation from our time and place:
   "Offices which used to be offices of honesty and integrity are now full of graft and corruption."  And this current man of such integrity as our Founders, one Pastor Roger Anghis, continued: "This is the fault of the people..."
   Indeed, Pastor Roger.  Indeed.  For, with rights comes responsibility.  As indicated above.    (article posted at, Dec. 7)

3 by 'slaveholders' and 'property stealers'/land thieves; etc. etc., in that put-down vein.
   As to the 'revisionist history' list of charges against them:  Yes, the Founding Fathers were men of their times.  They were also a group of very remarkable men (and their wives, too); summoned forth to get The Grand Experiment in self-governance going in the New World of their time.  (And who ultimately came up with the crowning achievement of Western Civilization: the Constitution for the United States of America.  In the spirit of E Pluribus Unum).  Any legitimately open-minded read of their written material will testify to as much about them.  Some of which I appended in the f/n just above.  There is more aplenty.
   Not that many high school students would know much about that, these days...    

4 And hence the current kerfuffle in Ukraine, with 'the West' - primarily New World Order brigands - stirring up trouble for a couple of reasons; one of which is to have the EU switch to buying their oil & gas through another pipeline controlled by these perps, and thus freezing out Russia, in a (deliberate) manner of speaking.  And thus as well setting up the 'cards' for a WWIII (including the provocation of attempting to bring Ukraine into NATO; and thus posing a threat to Russia in that area of geopolitics as well).  But more on that little detail perhaps later on in this particular blog.
   Oh - the other reason for bringing Ukraine 'into play'?  As a home base for the Khazar 'Jews' to retreat to, if and when their base in the state of Israel goes up in smoke (so to speak.  Or not).  Many Jews not being bloodline Jews at all, but from other stock.  Another article and subject, in itself. 
   Another article and subject in itself is the NeoCons' (many of whom are dual Israeli-American citizens) role in 9/11, and thereby siccing the Americans onto their enemies in the Middle Eastern area that they wish to control.  'From the Nile to the Euphrates.'  According also to their national flag.   

5 Recall Nancy Pelosi leading the cheering in Spanish, of 'Si se puede!' - 'Yes we can!' - in front of a rally of illegal immigrants at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.  During the government shutdown in October of last year.  While museums and monuments were barricaded by the Obama comrades and closed to the public, Pelosi and the Latino Lobby held an Amnesty rally there.  Flaunting their 'access' to Obama & his collectivist comrades.  Who are bent on giving La Raza what they want: 'their' land back.  California, and the states of the Southwest (including, as I understand it, Utah).  
   Aztlan, they call it.  'They': Most of whom come from Spanish stock…
   You couldn't make this stuff up.

6 And thus why our Supreme Being can't interfere with the Reptilian activity: They are living within the same universal laws as are all of us in this universe; the primary one of which is this one, of what is also called 'free moral agency'.
   (Another is the Law of Reciprocals; which can be summarized as 'As you give, so do you receive.  For, we are all One.  And All IS One.'
   And at our best, we are purely At One with Source energy.)   

7 to to be found out, by a constantly seeking Part of the Whole that we are.  Like a phototropic plant, ever seeking, and being drawn to, and by, the Light, by its very nature.

8 There is plenty of evidence in our time of what is called astrotheology - of astrological significances to many of the 'gods' over the centuries, even in different cultures in different parts of the world.  A good source for research into this matter is the 'detective' work of D.M. Murdock, aka Acharya S.  Also Peter Joseph, of the Zeitgeist Movement.  Also Michael Tsarion.  And so forth. 
   Including the pioneering work of Zechariah Sitchin, in translating the cuneiform tablets of the ancient Sumerians, and tracing their story about their great gods, 'who from the Heavens came to Earth' (the notorious Anunnaki).  He may not have gotten some of the details right.  But he certainly got the basic story right: that the gods of the Sumerians - and Babylonians, and Assyrians, etc. after them - were 'astronauts' from another planet in this solar system - on a 3600-(Earth)year eccentric and elliptical orbit around our Sun - who engaged in less than godly pursuits whilst here (being still in 3D, duality/polarity reality).  And thus the idea, in many cultures, of 'gods' just like us.
   Well.  The advanced Beings of our Journey are 'just like us'.  In one sense.  But there is a distinct difference between chalk and cheese, for example.  
   It's time we released the chalk.  And the cheese, too.  And stopped being mice in a cage. 
   Of our making.  As I have indicated previously/in my last blog.  And more on which, another time.  This is enough for now.

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