Tuesday 23 December 2014

Further On 'The Eve Of Christmas Eve'

further on 'The Eve Of Christmas Eve' - Joseph Farah - wnd.com - Dec. 22
(I had a couple of, shall we say, negative responses to my posting on the real meaning of the Dec. 25th 'story'.  Herewith one of them, and my response to him? her?) 

wi163175 kibitzer3 16 hours ago (Dec. 23)

POOR KIBITZER: So confused, so incompetent in writing intelligently. I pray that the keepers in the mental institution in which you are incarcerated will be able to help you heal from your anti-Christian DELUSIONS.
Poor boy, poor boy..............!!!


  • kibitzer3
    wi163175 a few seconds ago  (Dec. 23)

  • To clarify where I come from, here is a 'story' that makes more sense to me:

  • "Once the Father had birthed the Self and encased it in matter, mater, Mother, it set the Self a task.

  • "'Know thyself,' It said. 'For you are a fragment of Me. I have set you this task so that, in a moment of your enlightenment, I can have an experience of myself as you meet yourself.

  • "'For that meeting were you created. For you and I are One and, when we meet, God meets God.
  • "'It’s an immeasurable experience of joy for both of us. We find there never was two, but what a journey we’ve had with each other in the process of that discovery!

  • "'There is no separation between me and thee, but I have created it in my imagination for our pleasure.'

  • "And off he sent the fragments of himself…"

  • - Steve Beckow, 'A Cross-Cultural View of Spirituality,' Golden Age of Gaia, Dec. 23.

  • And the Spirit of the season - of Rebirth - to all.

…And to all, a Good Night.


…except to add just one more thought, at this point:

belief systems
will be
the death
of many 
of us
a shame.
on us.

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