Monday 1 December 2014

Still A Ways To Go, Yet...

And the beat goes on…

from Tea Party C.C.: 'California governor signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history' - posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - Nov. 29 (orig. posted at - July 15, 2011) 

Reply by jeffrey s davis 21 hours ago (Nov. 30)

You want too know history, read God's word. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God. sodomy and lesbianism are an abomination in the eyes of God. that's why sodomites and lesbians hate God and God's word. PERIOD take your filth out of this Christian nation.
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Permalink Reply by Judy Doyle 17 hours ago (Nov. 30)

The homosexuals claim that GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY.  They actually call GOD a liar!  GOD created man and woman.  He told them to go and fill the earth.  In the old and new Testaments GOD also condemns homosexuality as an abomination. 
Well, if GOD made them that way, then that would make GOD a liar.  How could HE create them and then condemn them at the same time?  Homosexuals are liars and are mentally deranged.  They live a lifestyle that is totally foreign to our Most Holy GOD. 
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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (Dec. 1)

Not to go into a detailed discussion here regarding this point, but to make a basic point to it:
Conservatives - and LGBT people themselves - need to understand that there is a biological/environmental cause of this spectrum.  Actually, a number of such causes; but they all result in male brains being 'wired' into female bodies and vice versa and every spectrum stop along that skewed way.  It's caused by an imbalance of hormones in the fetal bath during a particular, early stage of its development (I think it's ab. the 10-week period).  The imbalance can be due to a number of causes.  One is damage to either the pregnant woman's adrenal glands or the fetus's or both.  Another is the presence of endocrine disrupters/estrogen mimics in the woman's blood, from plastics and pesticides in our environment.  Another is stress, from many sources - worry, nutritional, accident; etc..  (It is known that more homosexual babies than the background 'norm' are born in the wake of wars, e.g.)  But a major cause is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant females without sufficient regard for their effects on the developing fetus.  There may be a genetic predisposition to be affected by such influences.  But we are exacerbating the matter, by our immature lack of awareness around such things.
I am saying that both 'sides' of this issue need to cut each other some slack.  And let's clean up our environment, and awareness in general, to help ease the various pressures that this anomaly puts on society - and the individuals so affected, themselves.  


This issue - to look at the bright side of it - gives us an excellent opportunity to experience forgiveness - including of ourselves - and compassion on our path.

Important qualities to embody; in order to 'make the grade' -  the move up, that we are in the middle of experiencing.

Or not.

Your choice.



Late entry:

Stan, are you a Gay Liberal?
That's non-sense.    I will bet money that almost all (if not all) Gays were indoctrinated into the Gay lifestyle, mostly by older Gay teens or men, and/or raped.
I do NOT buy into that BS of being born Gay.
If a study of Gays were done (AND IF GAYS WERE TRUTHFUL) I'll bet most if not all would tell you they were "coaxed or forced" into that lifestyle.
And whether you or Jerry Brown or Obama like it or not, most people find it filthy & disgusting.   Yes, I know Gays, Obama & the Democrats are trying to shove it down our throats and trying to teach our kids to be Gays, but most Americans, and worldwide for that matter, are NOT buying it.    It is just one more reason to NEVER EVER EVER vote for a Democrat.
I recommend you (and others) read - among other excellent sources on this matter - the book 'BrainSex' by Anne Moir, Ph.D. and David Jessel.
Not trying to 'shove (homosexuality) down your throat'.  Trying to shine some light on the matter.


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