Wednesday 8 April 2015

And One More For The Road

The ‘Run Ted Run!’ outfit still has me on their mailing list.  I don’t know why; I have made it very clear to them, more than once, where I come from.  

Once more into the breach, of constitutional truth:


‘Dear Raz [Shafer, Executive Director, Draft Ted Cruz for President],

‘We come now to a history lesson.  

‘The constitutional Framers, in considering the eligibility requirements for the POTUS, decided that he needed to be, among other requirements, a “natural born citizen”.

‘What did they mean by that term?

‘It’s very clear from the historical record what they meant by it: one born on the soil of 2 U.S. citizen parents.  Plural.  Meaning both.  Words having intrinsic meaning.

’See John Jay’s 7/25/1787 letter to G. Washington in his role as Chair of the C’l Convention proceedings.  Note A. Hamilton’s proposal at the Convention that the president need only be a “citizen” - which proposal was specifically turned down, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen.  See David Ramsay’s paper published in1789 on the matter.  It’s all there.*

‘& it has not been changed since.  Oh, various politicians tried; a total of 8 times between 2003 & 2008 to get an amendment going through Congress on the issue - & they failed every time even to get it out of committee.

‘I am saying: Stop trying to make two wrongs make a right.  It’s demeaning of your candidate to try to do so.

‘He should instead come out & nail the Usurper on the issue.  Now that would prove him to be an honorable man.  May he be so.’


* & posted at, & CDR C.F. Kerchner (Ret.)’s blog

…No, Make That Two…

…and first a word about this one:

I used to subscribe to the National Review.  They were rather highbrow - including looking down on their The New American brethren on the Right as a scruffy lot; not wanting to be tainted with the Left’s smear-brush campaign against the John Birch Society - but they were doing good work in their own way.  But then, from their slant on things, I began realizing that they were part of the NeoCon crowd - all for American support for Israel to take over hegemony in the Middle East - and thus were involved in the Elite’s New World Order scenario.*  On the wrong side of such.  So I canceled my subscription - but particularly because of the ‘natural born citizen’ issue, which I had finally found out about, whilst living in my spiritual community ‘ashram’ over in Scotland, far from the scene of political action in the U.S.  My beloved home country.  Under serious attack by the Left - via Obama’s vow/promise of “fundamentally transforming” the country - and, obviously, by the fascist Right, especially when rightwing bodies like the NR did not challenge the usurpation of Obama.  

To my appalled anger.  Which sort of thing, of course, seriously compromises the placid demeanor of a soul concentrating simply on its spiritual evolution.  Time to get back into it. 

‘It’: the drama of our day.      

And The Drama at large.        

* It could figure; The NR was started by Trotskyites.  They ‘converted’ to the West & Catholicism.  But at heart, were still Trotskyites.  Meaning, in particular, being willing to take over the world by Force.  The end justifying the means.
   The philosophy of tyrants down through the ages.


The NR has offered me - from my name having been cadged from some conservative group’s sold mailing list, obviously, since I dropped off the NR’s direct radar screen some years ago - a free issue of their magazine, & a special initial subscription price, with the enticing statement boldly on the envelope:

It’s time to tell the truth about the Obama administration

What - could it be…

Nah.  Just the same old, same old. 

I have replied thusly:


‘Dear NR:


“Get the TRUTH about President Obama…”

‘…& nary a word about his being a Usurper in & of the office, for being ineligible for the office, for not being a  “natural born” citizen.

‘“Don’t wait!” - ?  You’re right.  I’ve waited long enough for NR to do its homework in this regard, & come out on the side of Truth in the matter.

‘I’ll believe John Jay, & the constitutional Framers, & the Founding Fathers (see David Ramsay’s 1789 paper) over the NR’s position on the matter any day  That is the only ‘issue’ that will pass between us.  Thanks for the offer anyway.  But  you know - small favors…’


(P.S. On the front of my note, which was penned on the back of their offer, to their enthusiastic signing-up statement for us punters ’Yes tell me the truth!’ I added the word:  Please!)

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