Thursday 2 April 2015

The Larger Picture

To build on an idea that I broached in my last post, I would like to make a case for a peaceful outcome to the attempted takeover of the American federal constitutional republic by Obama and his merry band of Marxists (& Assorted Others; for more on which, see below).  As with many things, looks can be deceiving.  Bear with me, in my analysis of 

The Matter At Hand.  

As with Friedrich Hegel, I detect an historical evolutionary process at work.  But I would go him one step further; and apprehend it front-to-back, as it were.  The deductive-reasoning ’trail of crumbs’ goes like this:

There is good, solid evidence by now that there is ‘a God’ - i.e., ’something more than Man:’ a larger reality than the one we perceive and experience. That evidence consists of the likes of NDEs and other OOBEs; memories of other lives susceptible to fact-checking; etc. etc.  Thus, we can reasonably deduce that there is Plan in and Purpose to the life experience - to ‘the (apprehended) universe’.  And thus, things are not random - there is structure in and to the, well, structure, for being a structure.  Thus, there are laws at work, such as the laws of physics.  One of which, as we have discovered, is that ‘to each action there is an equal and opposite reaction’.1  And if we apply that law of ‘physics’ to the human realm - as Hegel did, in his discerning of what is called ‘the Dialectic’ - we get the unfolding of the historical experience by a series of steps like unto a chemical process, or ‘method,’ characterized by a ‘thesis’ - a position - generating an ’antithesis’ - a reaction to it -  which interaction results in a ‘synthesis,’ which, because the process is not yet complete, becomes the thesis stage of the further unfolding of the process; until it gets to its final stage, of a - the - crowning Synthesis, wherein all unresolved elements of the process - of the equation, to put it in its ‘physical’ equivalent terms - are resolved.

So, what do we have now, in our time, on the ‘human’ historical-development level?  We have a form of government - the American form of government  - raised up, in a reactive process, and dedicated to the rights of the individual, as opposed to the power of the state to rule over him, on the one hand; and we have other states ‘representing’ its antithetical position; and we have a convergence process going on, in somehow balancing the rights of the individual with the ’rights’ of the collective.  But we also have, looming over the process, the global factor - a ‘Completion’ factor.  And, we have an element within the ‘individual’ position (like the piece of The Other in the yin-yang symbol) - right at its heart; a man in the Oval Office - that is ‘subverting’ that ‘position’ of the process - just as there are ‘individual’ elements at work in the states ‘representing’ the ‘collective’ position.  

I am saying that Obama has, and the totalitarian New World Order crowd have, represented an End Time position in an historical process, whereby he is/they are ‘representing’ the Dark side - and, in threatening, in a very substantive way now, the element of ‘individualism’ in his/their attempted enthronement of ‘collectivism,’2 they have generated an ’equal and opposite’ response, from the realm of the Light:

have generated here the final ‘conditions’ for the ‘landing’ of ‘the kingdom of heaven,’ as it has been called - i.e,, a temporal ‘kingdom’ reflecting spiritual values right into the very structures of this realm, as it moves into being in perfect alignment with, and in harmony with, the will of our Creator.  

A kingdom, I would put it to you, that runs, not on ‘money’ - to say, on interest-bearing money, and its training-wheels partner, fractional-reserve banking; via their motive-power of Profit - but on another motive.  And since we are talking about the crowning Synthesis of the historical process, I will call it the highest motive that there could ever be: 

of people sharing goods and services with one another - and giving of their best in the process - out of gratitude to their Creator for life with meaning.

Out of, in a word: Love.     

The ’equal and opposite’ of Force - the quality that the New World Order crowd would employ to power their version of ‘heaven on Earth’.  Which is the reverse image of 

the real thing.   

The Marxists have it right, in looking at the creation of a better world, in which individuals do not 'exploit' each other.  They are just using the wrong, mirror-image - dark side - means.3  Which is what will keep it from ever coming about, their way.  Because the Dark can’t exist without the Light (and thus the phototropic processes in the Creation).  But not vice versa.  Because the Creation is made up fundamentally of Light.

And Love.     

So.  We need to cut Obama & Co. some slack.  They have been but playing parts in a Drama.  Have helped in the process of getting us to where we are at:

on the verge of Breakthrough.  Out of the illusion; the matrix; the imagery.  And into - as I say - 

the real thing.    

It bears repeating, for emphasis.

As we move off of the stage of The Play.  Which has been in order to ‘catch our consciences’.  To say: to help us gain the understanding; the awareness - the level of consciousness - of the principles - the laws - of the Creation.

In order to prepare us for our own further unfolding.  As very gods in the making. 

Let’s get this next ‘stage’ of the process going.  There is so much more

to be revealed.  

As we are ready for it.  

P.S. Some may have become too identified with their parts; and thus - if they can't release their roles, and reconnect with their true identity - may have to be left behind, for now.  A shame.  It would be great if we could all make the cut together.  But - as always:
     Your choice.


1 In human-terms application this could be called the Law of Cause and Effect.  Which gives rise to what is called the Law of Karma.  Which is all about Balance (the restoration thereof).  Not Judgment, or Vindictiveness; or ’Vengeance’.      

2 The New World Order gang, albeit ‘statist/collectivist’ in philosophy, like the far Left’s socialism, is essentially fascist, i.e., a nexus between the corporations and the government; and it is they who are really ruling that NWO roost.  And have been after this prize for a long time now.
   Long before Marxism/Leninism.  This goes way back, in our human experience.  But that’s another story.

3 Though are wrong in more than "just" that.  Are right in the sense of our needing to cultivate the sense of collective/community and environmental responsibility (though not for the false 'climate change' scenario for the latter area; which is a people-control gimmick).  But in harmony with, in balance with, the rights of the individual, as a sovereign entity, responsible for his/her own spiritual evolution; on this level, by their own decision-making.   Not to have the state make their decisions for them, and thus depriving them of a legitimate exercise of their free will.
     We are fundamentally 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  First things first.
     And P.S. Beware of a false 'offer' for a moneyless society - complete with a debt Jubilee - to be perpetrated by the Rothschild Zionist, NWO faction.  That, too is a mirror image of the real thing.  You can tell the reverse-image, false version of The New Order of Things by its qualities.  If it is really all about Power Over, rather than Power With & Within - i.e., people learning to identify with their I AM aspect - it is NOT the real McCoy.
     A word to the wise: Discernment in all things.  

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