Sunday 12 April 2015

Doing The Work

In one of my blogs late last night/earlier today I made specific criticism of the pharmaceutical industry, aka the medical/pharmaceutical complex.  (Actually: medical/pharmaceutical/government complex.) It was well-advised.  I’ll get into that in a little more detail in a moment; but first, a copy of an email that I sent off yesterday to my Congressman, on the occasion of a Resolution that I just found out about yesterday that the House has just passed:

Dear Rep. Lowenthal, 

I see that you have signed on in support of H.R. 117, to do with vaccines. 

You need to know that there is a huge downside to these toxic-laden shots, that the pharmaceutical industry is NOT telling you about. 

I have been researching this matter in depth for over 20 years, and believe me, this is a mind-control operation, designed to get the Congress to make vaccines mandatory, and make the medical-pharmaceutical complex a lot of money - and make a lot of sick and disabled people. Including the ADD/ADHD/ASD spectrum. 

Some sources of info: 

'Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don't Know About Vaccines' 

The only book devoted to discussing many of the toxic ingredients in vaccines from peer review science papers/journals, government websites, etc. that Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, etc., refuse to accept, but rely upon only Big Pharma's junk science submitted for vaccine licensing. 

'Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History' 

A book that tells the historical facts that Big Pharma, et al want to deny and skew. 

'Vaccination is Not Immunization' 

This book tells more than Big Pharma may want you to know. 

'Make an Informed Vaccine Decision for the Health of Your Child: A Parent's Guide to Childhood Shots' 

Authored by the late Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH. 

This is just a sampling of 'the other side of the story'. There's plenty more. This is just to warn you about the scam they are trying to perpetrate, and enlisting you folks in Congress in it, particularly in order to feather their nest. DON'T BUY INTO IT. Check it out with some alternative voices in the science field (like Dr. Russell L. Blaylock for one). You'll be glad that you did. And so will we, your constituents. 


'Stan' Stanfield

[N.B. The book list was from an article by Catherine J. Frompovich published at the same day under the title 'U.S. Congress "Out to Lunch" About Vaccine Science - Here's Proof,' complete with embedded video of a confession by a major vaccine developer, known as 'the father of vaccinology,' Maurice Hilleman.] 


The drug industry is indeed ripe for major criticism.  Take just their vaccines (as referred to).  Vaccines have in them such ingredients as:

* mercury.1  And aluminum.2 

* MSG/glutamic acid. (It acts as a stabilizer in live-virus vaccines.) So, anyone who has had such a shot, when ingesting MSG in their daily life, risks having an allergic reaction to it (the immune system having been primed to recognize it as ‘foreign’ and game for attack), up to the possibility of a fatal anaphylactic reaction.3

* milk protein (casein) and wheat protein (gluten).  So, anyone who has had such a shot, when ingesting casein or gluten, risks having an allergic reaction to it, up to the possibility of a fatal anaphylactic reaction.  

* other food proteins, like bananas.  Which can be fatal for some people even from a whiff of the protein.

* Squalene. Which is a substance in our own bodies, never mind something in the foods that we eat or liquids that we drink.  

The latter of which indicates the source of so many so-called auto-immune reactions.  We are adversely reacting to our own bodies because our immune systems have been trained to recognize ingredients in them that are the same as, or extremely similar in molecular weight as, in vaccines.  And so these are some of the side effects of vaccines.

Just some of them.

There are others.  Like SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; aka SUIDS - Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Syndrome).  Where the baby just quietly dies in its crib.  From two causes.

One is the vaccine/s that has/have been administered to it quite recently.  The most likely factor is scurvy; the heart simply stopping to beat because the vaccine/s put sufficient stress on its body to use up its stores of vitamin C.4  

The other causal factor is the toxic gases being outgassed from the mattresses.  And especially after more than one child has used that crib, and contaminated the mattress with urine.  The man who did major work in discovering this link found a higher incidence of SIDS in babies with older siblings.   

Actually - you know what?  I’m not going to look up references to this lead.  Not just because it’s a side venture from my main topic. But because if you’re seriously interested in the subject, you should look it up yourself.

And actually, that goes for the subject of the downsides of vaccines as well.  

I’m not here to do all this stuff for you.  If you were really serious about your lives, and those of your children, you would be doing this research yourselves.5

And would have stopped the rot a long time ago.  Having realized by now that you are in the hands of people whom you can’t trust. 


Over to you, folks.

A word to the wise, and all thal.


1 Still in the (multiple-dose) flu vaccines; after finally being taken out of other vaccines due to parental pressure, from parents having been forced to do their own research into the substances being shot into their children and subsequently seeing their children fade in health and awareness.
   ‘Correlation is not causation’ intone the medical fraternity and apologists for the drug industry, in trying to deflect criticism from the shots.  The medicos, because either they a) are deeply convinced that they are doing good and are genuinely not aware of the full downside of the vaccines that they are administering, or b) have become aware of that, and have chosen to stay shtum on the matter because they don’t want to be found guilty of their gross professional error.  But the truth will out.  And the drug industry sons of bitches - excuse me; sorcerers - because they are in business to make money, first and foremost; and anything that jeopardizes the bottom line is to be either ignored or fought off, either by ridicule or other, more severe means.
   Also because some of them are fully aware that they are using vaccines to a) make more money off of drugs for the side effects of them; b) prosecute their ‘war on fertility,’ with anti-fertility agents piggy-backed into (often selected) people on the oh-so magnificent medical modality, against tetanus or whatever the cover story; and/or c) administer ‘extreme unction,’ in the form of a bacteriophage designed to do certain people in.  A whole ‘nother story in itself, that one.  Well, all of them are for people who haven’t done their homework in this regard.  But to continue, here. 

2 used as an activator for the immune system.  Unfortunately, it is a toxin in general.  

3 It also has the unfortunate property of lowering levels of a substance called glutathione in the body.  Glutathione is the body’s protector from heavy metals (like mercury and aluminum); bonding with them and causing them to be excreted.  Thus, administering a live-virus vaccine - like the MMR - at the same time as other vaccines having either mercury or aluminum in them will tend to cause the body to be unable to excrete the heavy metals; which do damage particularly to the brain.  
   Tylenol also this unfortunate property.  Thus, giving a child Tylenol at the same time as these toxic-laden vaccines, to try to counter some of the side effects of the shots, will just make matters worse, not better.
   They couldn’t be doing our children more harm if they tried. 
   And now they’re attempting to rope us adults into their corral of to-them cattle…

4 An Australian doctor named Archie Kalokerinos did yoeman study on this angle with Aborigine children; who have a higher incidence of SIDS than the whites in that country, and are malnourished as well in comparison. 
   Read his book ‘Every Second Child’ before you think to brush it off as simply a matter of correlation not being the same as causation.
   His book was published in 1981.  1981!  We have known about this angle for 35 years!  
   Heads will roll…
   …and how many of those heads will be those of ‘innocent’ civilians who just kept walking, nothing to see here, folks, just keep right on your way……..  
   …or rather, our way for you.
   (Now do you see the importance of the American experiment in self-government, where we individuals are the sovereigns; not the state???  ‘The state’ can do whatever it wants to mere subjects, who are trained to be simply good subjects.  And often, subjects of  experimentation...)

5 And it's so easy now, with the Internet.  So; No excuses.

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