Tuesday 21 April 2015

Another Piece Of The Picture

...and as another headline today reads 'Obama Days Away From Taking Over The Internet':

from teaparty.org: ‘Fox News Star Goes All Out to Rescue Christians’ - Greta Van Susteren - April 20
(‘Prominent media figure calls on citizens, Obama, world leaders to act’)

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (April 21)

Thank you for standing up, Greta. A peaceful protest of mammoth proportions is a good call. And in the meantime, we can cut off the financial and military equipment backing of ISIS. Which is from the USA/CIA, Saudi Arabia, and (the state of) Israel. 

We are up against skulduggery in high places. It's time for a clean sweep of the miscreants. It's not just Christians who are being bedeviled by these devils. It's all of us poor suckers of, and to, TPTB. We need to make them The Powers That Were. And fast. Before they do any more damage than they have already wreaked. To us. And to the planet.


I am still smarting from a comment a poster made yesterday to one of my posts about the natural-born citizen matter, that the issue really doesn't matter, because (in words to the effect) people have been doing whatever they want for a long time, regarding 'the law'.

Not on my watch.  

His arguments in general earned from me the epithet of 'sophistry'.  To all sophists, and erstwhile sophists,  I say:

You will not get away with your falsity in my presence.  So

Back Off.  

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