Saturday 11 April 2015

Letters To My Nephew - 2

(The next one might well go something like this:)

Dear Nephew,

You asked me, in response to my answer in our last exchange, what I see happening now.  The best-case scenario would go something like this:

* Some Oathkeeper White Hats, in accord with their soul contracts, will preempt the Obama administration's plans for creating a state of 'national emergency' and subsequent declaration by the Usurper and increasing Despot of Martial Law, by arresting him - after explaining the end of The Play to him, for his understanding acquiescence in the matter, and of the role that he chose to play in it, in bringing it all to a head, in order for the true transformation to take place, in (natural,
'scientific') response - and holding him for a trial that may or may not take place, depending on how the rest of The Plot plays out;

* They, along with various spiritual Masters of and for this planet, will announce a) an international debt Jubilee, along with b) a new monetary system to be put into place, tying the world together better, with a currency based on precious metals - for something of intrinsic worth as a base - and a basket of currencies, until a second stage of goods-and-services exchange can be introduced, which does away with money altogether, in an environment of Abundance (abetted by such as free-energy devices and replicators);

* An Officer from the higher realms will take over the helm of the American ship of state, and steer it - with a crew of Truth-lovers - to its highest end port, along with the rest of the similarly-led global fleet of nation-states; which will all begin to coalesce during that trip, as

* The planet's humanity a) releases The Play that it has bern engaged in in its 3D confinement in 'school,' and b) begins to take on first 4D and then quickly moving to 5D consciousness, as it begins its sojourn as a Galactic Good Neighbor to other planetary beings; in concert with them, in a stage of the End Times 'operation' called Disclosure.  

But don't hold your breath.  There's many a slip, as they also say.  In a realm of free will.  As vouchsafed us by a loving Creator.

To whom is totally dedicated

Your caring Uncle

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