Saturday 25 April 2015

Message From A Political Prisoner - in the U.S.


‘Prisoner for Freedom Appeals to Fairbanks Press’ - posted Jan. 29, 2015
Letter from Schaeffer Cox, political prisoner in something called a Communications Management Unit (CMU) in Marion, IL, to some people at Fairbanks Press (AK; his home state, and where he ran foul of the federales) - May 25, 2014.

Yes, it turns out that there are political prisoners in the U.S.  Yes, we are just like Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany and Mao's China in that regard.

No words can express how stunned I was to read today a letter that I got in yesterday’s mail from this young man, which opened:

"Dear Friend of the 2nd Amendment,

"My name is Francis Schaeffer Cox and I’m a thirty year old political prisoner of the Obama Administration.

"My only crime was believing in the Second Amendment and that the government should obey our Constitution…."

And the appalling story goes on from there, as to how this guy, father of two young kids, was railroaded into prison for a possible 27 years - that's 27 years - by the FBI, in cahoots with a bent judge.  Yes, that’s his side of the story.  But it is also confirmed by a video at his web site.*  I urge you to go there.  And become more aware of what is going on - as we speak - in the United States of America.

Almost formerly the United States of America.  Becoming, more rapidly now, a mere outpost of the New World Order of our erstwhile masters.  Our totalitarian masters.  From the Dark side.

This, for now.  While I recover: 

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I’ve just come across your story, Schaeffer. I am appalled that this sort of thing has been, and is, going on in this country. It is a betrayal of the very principles of this nation.

I wish you well in your appeal. I am retired, living on that basic income, so I can’t do a lot financially for you. But I know how to appeal that Justice be served in this case. And I do.
And that this shadow pass from overshadowing this nation. And we return to being bathed in the blazing Light that this nation was supposed to represent to the world, of a free people, progressing in joy on their individual spiritual paths, towards the Prime Light from which we all sprang. And some of us have just forgotten about, is all, caught up in their ego trips as they have become.

It’s time for a wakeup call. Thanks for your attempts in that regard. And may we trust, that in the end, all will be well.

As it will. As it will. Sooner. Of later. For that’s the nature of the experience.


* On which one of the men being interviewed about Schaeffer's story says, regarding the present federal government, and with complete justification, off the evidence of even just this one story: "They don't want us to just be quiet.  They want us to be submissive."
   Long story short: This is NOT the FBI that we in this country used to know, with people like Jimmy Stewart playing the roles, and The Untouchables, and so forth.  These people in the FBI today are in service to a malevolent state.
   But I digress.  
   Sort of.


Later.  Having recovered my equanimity.  To a degree.

The bottom line:

I see a huge amount of tyrannical things going on in America under the Usurper who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama.  They are an insult to the spirit of this nation.  And some Americans seem to think that those tyrannical conditions are here to stay, under the overwhelming power of the Cabal behind their puppet (including their power over the MSM).  But the status quo is just that, and no more.  It is not a fait accompli.  And It's time to change it.

It's what we're here to do, anyway.  What we chose to do, to be here, now, to do.

I hope you understand that 'only the best' were chosen for this mission - the mission to move the world on from the final confrontational stage (thesis vs. antithesis) of its historical evolution, with all contradictions resolved, into the crowning stage of Synthesis (divine balance between the individual and the collective, wherein All Is (recognized as) One, and we function in a state of unity consciousness, commune into community, or common unity), for it to enter its Golden Age.  And I'm here to tell you that - that it's time to start living up to your potential, if you haven't twigged on that job already.  As a warrior of

The Light.

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