Wednesday 1 April 2015

Dear Congress: Is Anybody There???

Your Letter to Congress

Stan, thanks for taking action on behalf of Political Media. Your messages are on the way. 
An individual copy of your letter will be sent to each official:

April 1, 2015  [Unfortunately, this is no April Fool's spoof; it's really happening.  My added comment at the bottom of this form letter.]

Dear Representative Lowenthal,
Dear Senator Boxer,
Dear Senator Feinstein,

NO Executive Amnesty!

NO Executive Gun Control!

NO Executive "Legislation" Whatsoever!

The Constitution for the United States clearly expresses in Article I, Section 1 that, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

This said, any effort by Obama to craft “executive legislation” – via executive order, executive action, or executive memoranda – is unconstitutional, lawless behavior that you and your fellow legislators must aggressively challenge.

To do this, the following actions must be taken for each case: 1) As an immediate solution, you and your colleagues defund any executive effort that seeks to “make law” apart from the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate; and, 2) As a permanent solution, you and your colleagues pass legislation to nullify any executive effort that seeks to “make law” apart from the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.

I expect you, a member of the United States Congress, to combat all instances of executive overreach and defend the Separation of Powers that the nation's organic law -- the Constitution for the United States -- prescribes.

I am watching your actions closely. Congress - our elected representatives - needs to act on this matter of usurpation of power by the executive, or The People will be forced to take direct action. And that could get ugly. Do your damn job, Congress, so that we don't have to do it for you; by-passing you, as the Executive is bypassing you already.


Mr. Stan Stanfield
Thanks again for taking action, and keep this email for your records.
Also, be sure to visit for more important action items.

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