Friday 24 April 2015

On Becoming Part Of The Solution - 2

How do you know which side your are on ultimately - the side of the Dark or the side of the Light - if there is Truth on both sides of the spiritual evolutionary 'equation,' now moving into a state and stage of Synthesis?

My response:

There needs be a nation-state on the planet that extols the individual - the primacy of the individual as a sovereign entity in his or her own right, not the subject of an all-powerful state.  That country has been America.  And She needs to remain in that role, as a beacon of such Light to and for the world, as long as needs be.  Which will be until all nation-states honor the individual, and fundamental individual rights, as a vital part of the collective.  Not merely subservient to the collective.

We are 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  Not mere animals, to be herded and culled at the will of the state.

All you collectivists who have been trying to take over this country, in service to your statist belief: wake up, to the larger reality.  You are 'jumping the gun'.  The individual's fundamental rights need to be honored - acknowledged, and understood, for what the whole process has been all about - first; and then we talk about the future.

Not before.

A future, that the American ship of state will lead us into.  Before relinquishing its historical role.  And they all merge into a new fleet sailing a new sea; into the New World.

Nova Earth.  Gaia.

In, and for, its Golden Age.  Of long repute.


On our watch.

Be proud of your role in that accomplishment.

Once we actually accomplish it.

Which will require a lot of releasing of 'comfort zones' for many souls.

But what's a heaven for.

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