Friday 3 April 2015

Looking Down The Road...

…Or Up.  Take Your Pick.

Speculation about the 2016 presidential election is now rife.  A word of caution.

The fact that Ted Cruz went to Harvard Law School, and has been praised by a Harvard leftist legal ‘scholar’ (Alan Dershowitz), and is pretending not to know the Constitution on the ‘natural born citizen’ issue, is a worry.  Is a sign that he has some secret and sinister backers, who are up to no good - who are part of the New World Order gang, attempting to hijack the American republic from its roots in the Constitution - to say, in the rule of law - and turn it into a tool of totalitarians, by which they think and aim to take over the world, for their nefarious ends.

Don’t listen to him.  Don’t buy into the scam.  This is your Big Graduation Test.  Either you pass, and go into the Light of true reality - where Truth is king.  Or you fail, and stay stuck in the 3D illusory dark; the classroom.

Your choice.

P,S, The same, of course, goes for the Republican Party top dogs, who colluded with their Democrat Party cohorts in the nomination of Obama on the same basis, of attempted chicanery and deceit.  And thus, the fate of both major political parties has been sealed:


And so much for the 2016 presidential election itself.

It ain’t going to happen.

Truth is now going to take over.  The whole shooting match; as it were.  

As we enter into the very realm of Truth.  And its constituents; of Love.  And Wisdom.  And Power.

For having run the course.

And become Victorious.

Or not.

As I say:

Your choice.

Even those of the Dark forces?

Of course.

Many - most?? - of them have only been playing the part anyway.  In this Final Act of The Play.  They can cross over.  If they repent.

And if their egos will let them.

For, make no mistake.  This is

the End Game.  Because something reeks to high heaven.  And thus, Enough is Enough.

What is that, precisely??

The sins against fundamental Integrity, especially in the form of the constitutional rule of law in America today, are egregious.  It's the End Time, alright; and just in time, with Justice about to play the concluding card in the hand of humanity at large, as personified by the American experience, with Her having been dishonored so, and now the corruption* to be capped off by supposed holders of the lamp of Integrity about to try to make two wrongs make a right; and thus ending the lesson, on a high note - thereby invoked, in reaction, according to The Law.  As the Truth


and trumps all falsehoods.

And we proceed on a clean slate.  Made possible by our concluding actions in this Ring-Pass-Not of a realm.

Setting all things right.

With a little help from our friends, in high places.

He who has eyes to see, and ears to hear:

Look, and listen, well.  For it is

That Time.


* e.g., this, from the impeccable Judicial Watch's latest Weekly Update:

"Even when it comes to protecting our borders from known terrorists, the Obama administration places secrecy and politics above national security and the rule of law. Our nation has reached a dangerous pass."

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