Wednesday 22 April 2015

As Justice Goes...

…So Goes Truth-Telling

I see by the understanding of a number of bloggers and channelers that an Event is scheduled to happen in the new future.  As far as I’m concerned, that would be when

The Play is over,

the veil of the illusory 3D matrix that we have been incarnating in, over and over, for such a very long time, is lifted,

we see this realm as the classroom that it has been,1

Disclosure - about our galactic (and multi-dimensional) neighbors - can happen, and

the Ascension that we have been involved in for a while now can begin in earnest;

those ready to move on, doing so - with our host, Gaia;

and those not ready to do so, having to work out their Karma in another timeline, and another place; since, as I say, Gaia - as we have known Her - is moving up in the Ascension process with us. 

With - as I say - those of us who are ready to do so.

Having passed the test.

Of a compatible - resonant - degree of consciousness, with and for the new frequencies that we will continue to advance in.

Until we each get back to


With the Creator Godhead.

Which is our Highest Self.

But to continue here, for now:

To reach the requisite level of consciousness to proceed in the process, we need to have a major Truth-telling session on the planet.  And that will include a lot of current Untouchable subjects.  Take, for example, the so-called Holocaust.  Which has conveniently displaced in our awareness many a real holocaust, of equal if not greater proportions than the one we have been sold as particularly heinous.2

I will leave it to honest Jews to clarify this matter, before proceeding further, in a preliminary hearing; heading towards Reconciliation.  This matter, of the Nazi Germany concentration camps, and the so-called ‘six million Jews’ gassed, shoveled live into ovens, or otherwise exterminated by the Nazis.  As bad as the Nazis were, this is not truth-telling about those camps.  This is propaganda; particularly on the part of those (political; not spiritual) Zionist Jews who wanted an excuse to be given a) ‘their’ old homeland in the Middle East, and b) the money to pay for The Return, by heaping reparations on the German people.  Quite a nifty money-spinner, that.  And all, based on a false scenario.3

Not ’all’.  The Nazis did start a shooting war in Europe.  And they have to pay for it.  

But not for what they did not do.

And speaking of ‘the clever Jew’ (sometimes too clever for his, and our, own good):

There is the Israeli government’s role in 9/11.  Complete with its ‘Israeli art students’ swarming over America, ferreting out classified info, and setting up the towers for The Kill.  

Not alone.  The Bush-Cheney NeoCon faction was involved in that operation in a deep way.  But all of that will come out, in a major - independent - investigation into 9/11.  

And the likes of the $2.3 trillion - that’s TRILLION - ‘gone missing’ - stolen (redirected; into such as passenger-jet override technology capability) - from the Pentagon.  Under the aegis of a dual Israeli-American citizen (and rabbi to boot).  Which report was covered up by the 9/11 act of treason.  

And the list of such shenanigans goes on.  All, to be uncovered.

Before we can move on.  The higher realms not permitting untruth to advance into them.

Untruth not being of the necessary resonance, to ‘take’.

Where most of us are going.

P.S. I am aware that many people will look at this report and think: Anti-Christ.  

They would be looking in the wrong direction.

My advice:

Practice discernment.

And deal with it.

Wherever the chips may fall.

In your expertly-conditioned belief system.

Which has been developed by such experts in such mind-control matters as the CIA.

A relevant quote; from the new head of the CIA at the time, to his staff:

“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Those days are over.

It’s truth-telling time.

Because it is the end of

The Play

and the beginning of

the real thing.

And that, my friends, to my mind, is an Event if there ever was one.


1 the purpose of which has been to graduate - not stay stuck in the lower grades

2 Try telling it to the descendants of the Armenian Christians, slaughtered ‘religiously’ - figuratively and literally - by the Turkish Muslims at the turn of the last century.  
   Centuries, of such mayhem, perpetrated on the perceived ‘Other’.
   When We Are All essentially One.
   Major irony, there.  
   And eye- and mind-opener.

3 including what is known as the Holy Land being their homeland.  When DNA evidence has shown that most European Jews are descended from the Khazar Jews, who were converts to Judaism.  Not blood relatives.  
   As I say:
   It’s truth-telling time.  
   And in general.
   At this Ring-Pass-Not time.


And as for truth-telling going nowhere, but more deeply entrenched; these:

1) To: Sen. Marco Rubio

     April 22

"Dear Marco,

"You make a good senator.  As you are not eligible for the office of the presidency - for not being a "natural born" citizen* - that is where you should stay, to serve well your country.



*  see; CDR C.F. Kerchner (Ret.)'s blog; et al


2) from ‘Did Rand Paul Chicken Out When He Was Asked To Challenge Establishment GOP?’ - April 22


I would not object to your dream ticket. Perry has this fake indictment that will probably cause him trouble.

As far as Ted Cruz, I think he makes an excellent Senator and I hope he does not give that up - he provides leadership and a voice of conservatism similar to Ronald Reagan.

Re: his birth qualifications, the Constitutional mandate for being 'natural born' has been rendered moot as a result of two terms for President Obama. Obama does not meet the requirements for being natural born, but Cruz does. Cruz's father was not a citizen at his birth, but his mother was and she had met the requirement for years as a citizen before his birth.

Among all of the chatter about Obama, some true, some untrue and most of it inconsequential - the fact remains that he has been President for two terms and his mother was a citizen, his father was not AND his mother did not meet the years as a citizen requirement.

The requirement is for 'natural born', which most people understand as meaning the child of two citizen parents, not 'native born' - presumably someone born on US territory. It does not matter where you were born or whether you have dual citizenship. The only important thing is the parents' citizenship status and neither of them lose citizenship as a result of location (outside the US territorial jurisdiction). The requirement for 'natural born' was changed years ago to allow that a single parent of a child needed to be a 'citizen', not necessarily 'natural born' in order for that child to be considered 'natural born'.

As I said, the entire statement in the Constitution regarding the President's qualification as 'natural born' has now been effectively rendered moot by the acceptance of President Obama twice as a qualified candidate; duly elected and sworn in even though he is clearly violating that requirement of the Constitution for that office. And it was done by both parties - that is, by the elites who run our country outside the Constitution in almost everything they do.

Cruz is not 'bending' the Constitution - the Constitution has been broken by the elites. Learn what the Constitution says and the meanings of the requirements before you needlessly besmirch one of our best candidates.

  • kibitzer3 JDubya a few seconds ago  (April 23)

  • JDubya: "The requirement for 'natural born' was changed years ago to allow that a single parent of a child needed to be a 'citizen', not necessarily 'natural born' in order for that child to be considered 'natural born'." I don't know what planet you or whoever has played around with the definition of a "natural born" citizen are from, but the constitutional definition, from its original intent, which has never been changed by constitutional amendment, is a person born on the soil (or its equivalent) of two (U.S.) citizen parents. That's PLURAL. As in BOTH. And thus Obama is an illegal president, aka a Usurper; and needs - STILL - to be dealt with as such. And Cruz is NOT eligible to run for the office of the POTUS, because TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT.

  • And the sooner we get that truism through our thick heads, the better, for the final outcome to this mess.

I am afraid that you are the one who is 'off' the planet because the US Constitution does not define 'natural born', but subsequent court rulings and laws made by Congress effectively changed it. There are many sources that describe the effects of at least two laws, and several court cases also affected its meaning. One Act had to do with allowing a child with an unknown father to be a citizen and also 'natural born' automatically if the mother was more than 5 years a citizen (or something like that - I forget the exact details). That Act was where Obama's mother failed to proffer 'natural born' status to her son, Barry. However, Cruz was in the same situation except his mother meets the time limit and, as a result by current law and rulings, he is a 'natural born' citizen.
Besides, oh, most holy one, my point was that the precedent has now been set - it has nothing to do with wrongs and rights, it has to do with realistic expectation. If anyone went to court over Ted Cruz's 'natural born' status, they would immediately be facing the insurmountable task of overcoming the situation where a clearly not 'natural born' man has been President for two terms and was never questioned by any of those in power and with the right to do so. And they would lose. I don't like it either, but that is the real situation.
And if you had read what I said, you would know that the definition I gave is exactly what you said, but it does not say that in the Constitution, although that was the meaning at the time. Subsequent rulings and acts of Congress have effectively changed that meaning, right or wrong, and the net effect is that 'natural born' is a moot point for all practical purposes from now on. It is you who has to get these facts through a thick head - the change has already been made.
The Constitution was effectively changed without an amendment. The method used was very similar to that used for Habeus Corpus, abortion rights and countless other unconstitutional things that the Congress has allowed the judiciary and the President to usurp from them. It is not as it should be, but it is.
So get off your high horse and think - we are in basic agreement. You just appear to be unable to read.


"(A) moot point"?
I think not.
And therein lies our difference.
You have succumbed to relativism, and falsity.
I have not.
To do so would be to go into chaos - the rule of men - and tyranny.
I choose Truth.


Oh, how big of you! I think that you need to dust off your dictionary and find out what relativism means.
We are not on opposite sides of this discussion - you chose to put us there. I merely pointed out that the Constitution has been usurped from us by these relativists and falsifiers - the facts are as I stated them.
Yes, we are headed for chaos and tyranny - right now in a head-first dive!
I choose truth too, but our situation is dire.
We know that the Constitution is a great document and should be followed, but right now it is not being followed, mostly by the Liar in Chief. We have to stop that - the way to do so is by joining together with people looking for the truth and fight these retards who want us infighting rather than fighting them. Part of fighting them is to realize what they have done and what we have failed to do. The other part is to get control of a viable party. The only one available to us is the Republican Party and that is what the Tea Party folks are doing - I support their efforts wholeheartedly.
Why do you think the liberal press is maligning them and the IRS is singling them out for persecution? The secular humanists are full steam ahead to take over the entire world in one-world government and we are increasingly unable to counteract them.
The people we have sent to Congress have been under constant attack (Cruz, Lee, Paul, Rubio, etc. - some have fallen or severely damaged themselves by buying into the RINO line. But we have to stick together and stop them. But it might be too late already - the bureaucracy is full of communists and secular humanists. They have the power of the government already as you can see with the IRS, EPA and HLS and others. They don't even try to meet the demands of their Congressional overseers! They laugh at them - at us! They hold orgies and do unspeakable things because they can - all the while spending thousands upon thousands of dollars - our dollars. That is chaos. We are already there.


 (April 23)

Fair enough response. My main point was that we should NOT accept the status quo. I 'get' that you did not mean that. You just seemed too fatalistic for me. And: I think we should not work through the Republican Party. An expedient person might think so. But it is almost as guilty in Obama's usurpation of the office of POTUS as the Dem Party is, for acquiescing in the maneuver (for its own purposes). And in a just world, it should go down right along with the Dem Party, under RICO-Statute proceedings. And I believe in a just world. We 'just' need to make it happen. :-)

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