Sunday 5 April 2015

Message For The Day

Like good Scouts, into the wilderness of our making:

Be prepared.   For, the truth - and Truth - will out.

And not only out.

But prevail.


P.S. And that includes how the Republican Party,  as a political party - meaning primarily its leadership - is colluding with the Democrats not only on the 'natural born citizen' issue for the position of POTUS but in such areas as the breaching of the border: the flooding of the U.S. with illegal aliens, and now with their entire families (and being flown in, and at your expense, to rub your noses in their arrogant shit), in order to break down the resistance to their desire for the U.S. to become merely a part of a region for their Masters' totalitarian New World Order.

You won't let us have our regional Trading Corridor up the center of the continent?  Well, we'll just go around you stubborn lot, then, and accomplish our end by other means...

The end justifying the means, to these corrupt, and even malevolent, characters.

Of whom we should have had enough, by now.

But careful in your reaction to their (attempted) takeover of the American Republic.   They are obviously just waiting for you to make a single, random move - going off half-cocked, as it were - out of frustration, and they will unleash their 'national emergency/martial law' all-prepared and waiting response on you (this takeover attempt having been in the works for some time).

So, the reaction to their attempted overthrow of the Republic needs to be a big and comprehensive one.  Which includes dissolving both major political parties, as being involved in the takeover.  So, stop looking to the Republicans to save the day.  They are part of the problem.  (At least as a party.)

As I have said in these pages before: It's time to go, neither to the Left NOR to the Right.

But Up.

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