Thursday 16 April 2015

Of Vipers And Men

from ‘Ted Cruz and the Meaning of ‘Natural Born Citizen’ - Gary DeMar - April 15
(Blindly taking the recent word of a couple of Harvard 'experts' on the subject)


"The best way to interpret the Constitution" is to understand what was in the minds of the constitutional Framers - NOT the wording in some Act passed later on. And it is clear by a number of accounts (John Jay; A.Hamilton; David Ramsay among them) that they understood the term to mean one born on the soil of two U.S. citizen parents - PLURAL. As in BOTH.

Conservatives need to wake up and stop listening to smooth-talking vipers. Obama is a Usurper; and letting Cruz and/or Rubio and/or Jindal run for the presidency would be to try to make two wrongs make a right - and send the U.S. deeper into the s******e that it is already in; far from the rule of law, and slipping further under the rule of men. Another word for which is tyranny.

(a good post:)

Don Hawkes 4 hours ago (April 15)

There is an error in your argument. You state that the naturalization act of 1790 reveals that Cruz is a natural born citizen. That is clearly not the case for it speaks of both parents being citizens. Cruz was born in Canada . His father was a Cuban and his mother registered him as a Canadian citizen. I am not sure if his father was a Canadian citizen at the time of his birth or a Cuban citizen but for this topic it is irrelevant. A natural born citizen is one in which both parents were citizens at the time of birth. Cruz' mother could have chose to register him as a U.S. citizen but did not. It would not have made a difference concerning his eligibility to hold the office he now seeks. Ditto for Obama.

'The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law' as U.S. Federal Common Law Not English Common Law Define What an Article II Natural Born Citizen Is

Cruz to Renounce Canadian Citizenship; but Qualified to be President?


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