Thursday 23 April 2015

Lesson 2...

...Of Truth-Telling

Our children have been seduced into believing that The People should not be free.  That freedom is not 'nice'.  That people should be forced by the state to be 'good,' according to the lights of the statists.  Which is satanic.  The satanic principle.

True righteousness comes from people being free to choose.  That is how spiritual growth takes place.      Has taken place, in this classroom for growing people called life.  Without freedom, we would be permanently stunted in our growth.

Wake up.  And learn the difference between smelling a rose.  And drinking the Kool-Aid of your terrestrial masters.

Your erstwhile Masters, that is.  For, they have had their day.

It's now time for the Light of Truth to take over.

In order to build The New World.

Which is just waiting to be invoked amongst us.

Once we return to Truth in all things.  As our guiding principle.

In our new life.

On a higher turn of the spiral

of life.

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