Tuesday 28 April 2015

On Getting The Picture

I have no love for the banksters on the Right, and the NewCons with their insatiable thirst for perpetual war (benefiting them AND the banksters).  But I have an abiding anger towards the Left, for their ideological blinkeredness that causes them to do such things as:

* arrest and convict someone - with a 27-year prison term imposed - simply for being an outspoken (but still nonviolently-couched) supporter of the Second Amendment; 

* doing all they can to suppress Voter Integrity measures, like the cleaning of voter reg rolls and the requirement for a photo ID in order to vote (obviously for ideological purposes; and thus undercutting the precious right of all peoples to have their vote be meaningful, not diluted and canceled out by shoddy shenanigans);

* expand the number of Muslims and illegal aliens into the country, AND putting them on a fast track towards voting privileges in time for the 2016 elections;  and conversely

* doing all they can to suppress the voting of members of the nation’s military by absentee ballot - knowing full well that that vote largely goes against them.

I need to pause here in this recital of my litany of complaints against the tactics of the Left to comment further on my anger towards this last tactic mentioned in particular.  That is such an outrageous, even egregious trick: deliberately disenfranchising those who are putting their lives on the line for their country, because you want to ”fundamentally transform” it, and turn it into a socialist ’paradise’.  To say, more accurately: a totalitarian shithole.

You cockroaches.  You should be stomped on for this particular reason alone.  

I recommend that the public arm themselves to the teeth against these vermin; these vipers, who need to be thrown out of their current positions of power - and fast.  Before they can do any more damage than they have already done to the very fabric of this nation: its rule of law.

To the very law of the land.

The Constitution.   

NOT the tottering edifice that has been built up on speciously-reasoned precedents.  As I read about in the article that I mentioned in my last blog, about the 14th Amendment, and how it has been sorely abused, by ideological ants, who concocted the specious theory of ‘anchor babies’ for example, to further their ideological ends.

I could go on.*  But I think I will leave my rant at that.     

You get the picture.

* with a litany of the myriad of attempts by Obama & Co. to overthrow this country.
   MY country.
   And millions like me.  Who don't excuse the worst that the nation has done.
   But are passionate about the best.

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