Thursday 23 April 2015

Out Of The Old, Into...

...The New

What would The New look like?

A New World.  Aka New Earth.  Aka Nova Earth.

The first thing that needs to happen to start moving into The New is for conservatives to stop talking about a presidential ticket that has on it either Cruz, Rubio or Jindal, in order to highlight the ineligibility for the top office in the land of any but a 'natural born' citizen; which then highlights the next thing that needs to happen for us to move into The New, which is for the Usurper, Obama, either to resign from his illlegally-obtained office or be removed from it -

in order for Truth to take over in his place,

in order to crown Truth in this land.  Not falsehood.

And that move opens the door for all the rest of the kingdom of The New to take over.  In the New World; ridding itself thereby of the likes of interest-bearing money - i.e., money as debt - and moving us, from there, further into

The New.

As for concerns about violence in this Changeover, I would say to anybody so inclined:

You do know that We Are All One, don't you.  (Actually, you do; deep inside, as a spark, a facet, a fractal, an aspect, of the One Holy Being of which we are all a part.)  And if you do violence to me, you do violence to a part of yourself; and if I do violence to you, I do violence to a part of myself.   So why would we continue to play this Game, if we really know that, and take it to heart?  Where it belongs; to be released from.  Gotten rid of, from there.  And thus, to usher further in

The New.

More to come.  From this New Day on.

Which also means:

It is no more 'business as usual'.

In America.

And on planet Earth.

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