Tuesday 14 April 2015

Director's Cut


'Okay everybody: Hold it right there.  Remember your positions.  What you were thinking, and feeling.  And grab your coffee and/or whatever else, and gather ‘round for a critique. There’s some really good oatmeal cookies there, that I can vouch for personally…no GMOs.  That’s a joke…

‘So; any fool can see where this was going; right?  The Obama administration was pushing for some snatch-and-grab, which would have triggered the retaliation that they were aiming for, in order to declare martial law, and that whole possible scenario unfolding. Or the retaliation could have come earlier, in the lead-up to the Exercise; it doesn’t really matter which would’ve occurred, regarding the outcome.  Right?  Action - reaction.  Right?  The patriots finally having had enough by then, with the ammo-freeze thing, and the cutting of the military and our nuclear capability - leaving us set up for takeover by the UN, to be swallowed up into the Cabal’s New World Order - and the outrageous treatment of Vets, and the failure of both the Congress and the judicial system to allow for a redress of grievances - the whole ball of wax.  Right?

’So we know what was going to transpire: Insurrection, and put-down, which would trigger further insurrection, and further put-down…Do we really need to go through all that??’

(A majority chorus of ‘No’s’; some clearly disgusted with the whole scenario as it was unfolding.  One voice:)

‘But it would’ve been a huge release of pent-up energy; which would’ve been good for something.’

‘Right.  A blow-off of steam.  But very dangerous.  Very, very dangerous.  Husband against wife.  Children against parents.  The whole nine yards.  Obvious,  Not really needing to be played out.  Right?’  

(Mostly murmurs of assent; with a sprinkling of comme ci, comme ca’s) 

‘I’m thinking of the possibility of it ‘blowing up’ in the form of a nuclear setoff.  Which could have damaged the very fabric of the 'reality'.  Not a good scenario.

’And on top of all of which, was the pending attempt to make two wrongs make a right, in the candidacies of Cruz and Rubio and Jindal for the Republican nomination, which was driving some - many? - patriots mad as hell and not going to take it any longer.  Their reaction was all over the Comments threads on conservative sites, and already starting to create internal friction in that 'family,' which was just about to spill over into the mainstream.  So that was about to add to the acrimonious mix, to put it mildly; just to make the point.  

‘The point, that we had gone as far as we could have gone, down that road, before all hell was about to break loose.  

‘And which included the breaking into the mainstream of the role of the Israeli government in their various false-flag ops, including 9/11.  That would really have put the cat amongst the pigeons.  And everything would just have gone downhill from there, Into a monstrous mess.

‘Who needs it, to get the basic lessons.  Right?  Right??’


‘I thought you would agree.’

(Some chuckles)

’So.  Bottom line: Do we really need to go down that timeline?  Personally, I think, and hope, not.

'So.  Where are we.

‘We are at our Crossroads, sports fans.  Some can take the Turning Point up into higher consciousness, and leave the elementary classroom behind; wherever, as even Gaia goes up a notch in frequency.  And some can continue in The Play - the real Exercise -  and, with memory of this Check-in wiped, continue to engage in the realm of seeming separation and polarity; continuing to get involved in those sorts of lessons, still stuck on the Wheel of Rebirth.  

’So.  Crossroads.

'Options.  Optional outcomes.

‘Your pick.

‘Take it all in, as you finish with your break from The Play.  And make your decision.  For it is

‘that time.’

(A voice from the crowd:)

‘What’s waiting for us if we choose to leave the 3D-level action behind?’

‘Ah.  Good question.  My answer:

‘Now that would be telling.  Wouldn’t it.

’See all of you later.  In one form or another.

‘Oh.  And eat up while they last.  They’re only holograms anyway.  


’Sort of…’

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