Thursday 18 January 2018

A Walk In The 'Hood

(Overheard at a Stop light crosswalk.)


'Oh!  Hi.  I recognize you, too.'

'How's it going.'


'So.  A female this time.'

'Yes.  Well.  Sort of.'

'As in...'

''As in I chose to incarnate into a 'gender-bendered' suit this time around.  To see how that goes.'


'Some pretty tough moments.  I certainly have more sympathy - empathy, for such incarnates, now.'

'Well.  The point.'

'indeed.  And you?'

'Straight male.  I still have something to get out of that one.  And give to.'

'Well.  Good luck.'

'And you.  Gotta turn here.  See you.'

'See you.'

(Bystander stops to light a cigaret, shakily.  Takes a deep drag.  And then looks at the glowing end, for a long time.)

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