Sunday 7 January 2018

On Some Things To Hide

On the general subject of

Whatever is hidden will be revealed

I offer the following examples

among many others.

1) I see that Pres. Trump's commission investigating Election Integrity issues in the country has been disbanded, because of a considerable number of Democrat-controlled states refusing to cooperate with its collection of information.  A shame.  He was on to something there.

According to some estimates, there are 1.6 million dead people still voting, an untold number of people well over 100 dutifully making their ways to the polling stations, and 2.75 million people registered to vote in more than one city or state.  Plus an untold number of illegal aliens and other ineligible voters sitting comfortably on our voter registration rolls, because of a) lax or nonexistent voter ID requirements, *and b) lax or nonexistent cleansing of the Voter Reg Rolls (contrary to federal law on the matter.  Which makes it a federal offense).

And the Democrats' take on all this?

'Voter suppression.'


Nothing to see here.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary. The end justifies the means.

So, to that side of the political aisle, on this matter, I say:

Bollocks.  A load of codswallop.

To Pres. Trump, in leaving the matter up to his DHS, I say:

Bring it on.

A further note to the Democrats (who are rot the only ones who have engaged in such reprehensible shenanigans; but are the most outlandish):

Voting is a sacred institution; and you critters are demeaning it.  Are acting like children.  No dessert for you.

And no Ascension either.  You wouldn't be able to take the Light.  You would have to scurry back into your dark holes, like the proverbial vermin you are.  For betraying your birthright so.  As 'spiritual beings having a human experience.'

And having lost the plot.

P.S. As for the plotting going on, from many sources, to take down President Trump:
     I see that the Left is trying to use Trump's words regarding 'having a bigger button than the Kid in North Korea has on his desk' against him, as ammunition to  push their 25th Amendment angle (now that the Russian Collusion Delusion has gone nowhere, but rather to bite Hillary in the butt).  They fail to understand Trump's strategy in the matter.  I take it as two-fold:
     On the one hand, it is the strategy of figuring that 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' - that if he threatens the North Korean boy king and his oligarchical advisors sufficiently enough - signaling that he is not being weakened in his resolve by his enemies at home - they will realize that they will pay an irreparable price, and cease and desist in their bluff.  And on the other hand, it is as though he understands the particular mentality of his enemy.  For, the Communists have as part of their 'scientific' philosophy the concept of 'the calculation of the relation of forces': i.e., that if the c of the r of f in a given matter is that they need to not pursue their objective too strenuously in relation to the moment's dynamics, they will back off, and recalculate the relation.  Ever pressing; but ever aware of the given condition of the dialectic.  
     And not understanding that there is a larger dialectic at work here.  Which has resulted in an Equal and Opposite Reaction to their 'move' (as in a chess piece) to establish a totalitarian global (New World) Order.  Global governance based on Force.
     Rather than the Real Thing that has been thus released from the realm of Potential.
     For which we can, actually, give them thanks.  For their role in this historical Drama going on.
     But that gets into another matter. Enough, here, for now, on this one.
     But just to note:
     All corruption, and other Dark Force energy, is about to be wrung out of The Now.  The Process having run its natural course, to Completion.
     All those souls who have been in essence playing parts on the Dark side of The Drama can now release said roles, and come over to the side of the Light.
     Or not.
     Your choice.


* I also see that a person identified' himself as a prominent Democrat in the latter's voting district, and received a ballot on that basis, no questions asked.
   You can't make this stuff up.

2) On Other Things To Hide 

If Professor James Fetzer's take
                          on various
False flag ops
Over the years
Is in error,
As a whole, or
In any particular
It will come out
Under renewed scrutiny
Into these matters
Being called for
So as to leave no doubt
As to his scholarship
And good citizenship.
And to that lack
In others; as the case
           well be.
And, more truthfully,



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