Thursday 25 January 2018

More On Life In Our Times ‘More Discourse on the Hawaii/Japan Missile Threat [video]’ - January 24:

‘The Real Reason Why Hawaii and Japan Sent Out Missile Alerts?’
(The guy behind the video goes into 4 possible scenarios regarding the alerts, including psyops conditioning of the public, hacking, etc.)

kibitzer3 says:
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Strange that this guy doesn’t mention the fifth, major possibility, as ‘reported’ on the Independent Media: that at least regarding the Hawaii alert, it was a true threat, as indicated by the explosion seen by fishermen and tourists. Lots of talk on the IM about rogue elements of the CIA with subs of their own, or the Israelis; both scenarios involving the New World Order gang, trying, in a sort of Hail Mary pass, to head off their demise. Indicating terribly dangerous days, these Breakthrough days…

As for Popular Mechanics, they were involved in trying to cover up the 9/11 truth, and so their take on anything – like the CNN – should be discounted as a matter of course.

from ‘Urgent Public Message for President Trump from Judge Anna’ - Anna Von Reitz - January 24
(Anna giving an arcane reason why anything that Trump did for the first year and a day of his Oath of Office does not count - because Chuck Schumer “contrived to shut down the government for three days at precisely the critical time, thus “breaking the continuity of the evidence”…)


Much more 'newsworthy' is the fact that, since BHO was ineligible for the office of POTUS - for not being a "natural born" citizen, i.e, according to the definition of the term of the day of the constitutional Framers, a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" (and that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary) - all of the legislation that HE signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that HE issued, and all of the appointments that HE made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts - need to go with him. Into the dust bin. For it to be as though he had never been there, and disgraced that office. For, he was never there legally. 

Let's REALLY get real, folks.

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