Thursday 25 January 2018

Disturbing Information Out of The Swamp - Or Is It??

I can't believe what I am reading on the Internet about Pres. Trump's apparent concessions to the Dems to get a result - 'The Art of The Deal??!! - out of 'bilateral discussions' regarding the DACA illegals.

Quote from one source of comment on the matter:(1)

"Senator Ted Cruz was less than thrilled by the announcement, stating, 'I do not believe we should be granting a path to citizenship to anybody here illegally. All of these proposals being floated that have a path to citizenship for DACA recipients are markedly to the left of where President Obama was. DACA itself has no path to citizenship under President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty.'”

Agreed.  And I would - of course; being for the setting of things fully to rights in this country - go further.  To wit:

* All people in the country illegally - out.  Those who have compounded their criminality while here going first, but the rest, intelligently seeing the writing on the wall, following suit voluntarily - thus making it easier on them, and the federal government/ICE agents, who will accomplish the mission.  

     + Any state governmental authorities standing in the way of this setting-to-rights action being arrested.  Including governors.

     + I have heard it argued - and this may be the reason why Pres. Trump is bending over backwards too far in this matter - that the DACAs did not choose to enter this country illegally, as they were brought along by their parents.  To which I say:
        a) Their parents do not get a Pass because they were so cynical as to use their children to attempt to get sympathy to be able to stay here illegally - REMEMBER, FOLKS: ERSTWHILE IMMIGRANTS CAN TAKE THEIR TURN IN LINE TO COME INTO THIS COUNTRY THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR; and 
so the presence of children of illegal aliens in this country is tainted by that 'original sin,' and thus cannot stand.  Nothing of a corrupt nature being able to stand in The New Order Of Things now coming into being; and 

        b) The children knew, on a deep level, what they were getting themselves into, because - as 'spiritual beings having a human experience'  - they chose to incarnate into that potential situation. 

     + The only concession I would make in this matter would be to allow the DACAs (who are adults now) to re-enter this country BY THE FRONT DOOR.  If they still wish to come back into this country. 

     Which brings up a parallel point:

* There is no such legal thing as 'anchor babies'.  Nobody born of parents who were in this country illegally are automatically granted citizenship of this country.  They are citizens of the home country of their fathers/parents.  This has been due to a shyster-lawyer misreading of the 14th Amendment, and WILL NO LONGER STAND.(2)     

* The Congress, having failed in its duty to fulfill the understandings of the Pres. Reagan-signed Amnesty in 1986, and especially for having failed in its duty regarding the illegal sitting of an ineligible candidate for the office of POTUS, in the form of Barack Hussein Obama - for not meeting one of the eligibility requirements for that office, of needing to be a 'natural born' citizen, i.e., a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof(3) - is hereby dissolved.
     And for having colluded in this deceit, both major political parties are hereby dissolved as well, and to be brought to trial - via proper, that is, American Common Law/Natural Law measures; no more Maritime/Admiralty Law - under RICO statutes.

And I will take over now.  For, this is my country   And I will take it into

The New.   

The Drama - in this country; and in the world proper - hereby


The Real Thing to come into being. 

At long last.

Which means, among other things, a wholesale remaking of the monetary system on, and for, the planet.  Turning it into more of what it should be: 

simply a convenient way of sharing goods and services with one another.  As the aforementioned 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.  Now coming into our adulthood.

The elementary school grades now over.  In preparation for our visitations into space.  As good citizens of the Milky Way galaxy.

And beyond.  

Life being a school.  And the purpose being to graduate.



(1) 'Trump Unveils Generous Citizenship Plan for DACA Illegals' - Rick Wells - January 25/6

(2) "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of eh United States and of the State wherein they reside..."  (emphasis mine)  As the historical record shows, the framers of that Amendment did not mean to include the children born of people who were not in this country either as citizens or legally.  Such children would be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the home country of their parents - and be citizens thereof. 
     This is not rocket science.  Neither is the next constitutional matter dealt with below. 

(3) Quoting from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-buiidling matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations' (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212); for which there is considerable historical evidence that this was, indeed, the definition of the term understood by said Framers.  (Their whole POINT being to make sure that the occupant of that particular federal office - who would as well, then, become the Commander-in Chief of the nation's military forces - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.

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