Tuesday 23 January 2018

You CAN Go Home Again

My earliest memories of my life this time around on this plane are of the two-story house which I grew up in, at least to halfway through my first year in school; with its yard, full of bushes and trees and flowers, opening directly, via a wire gate, onto a park, split down the middle by a road, and with a swing set over to one side a bit.  I can still vividly recall being on that swing set, with my brother and a friend or two of his - he had started school by then, so that would make me about three years old, in this particular recollection - where he taught me how to get swinging as high as I could and then leap off, to see how far we could ‘fly’.  As free as a bird…      

It was idyllic, in its way; though I didn’t really know what was going on.  My brother and I were being taken care of by an elderly couple - whom we were told to call ‘Grandpa and Grandma Coble’, though they were not related to us - while someone my brother called our ‘mother’ lived nearby.  Going to secretarial school, I found out later on; having divorced our ‘father’ while I was still in diapers, and taking us from our home base in Utah to the (relatively) big city of Boise, Idaho, to start out on her solo journey in life with a skill.  This stranger lady would appear in our lives every once in awhile in those early years, when my brother would take me along to go see her.  I remember once our visiting her in an upstairs apartment room where she had hidden some little candy eggs around the small room for us to go looking for - it being something called Easter - and another time, when he took me to go see our ‘mother’ again, this time on a Christmas Eve, where she was by then living in a small house or attachment.  She had a small Christmas tree in it, under which she had a couple of wrapped presents for each of us.  And that was it.  Back to the house where I grew up; until this stranger woman got ‘married’ - which we went to (’on our best behavior’) and shortly after which, traveled with her and her ‘husband’ to another, smaller town, somewhat nearby, where I finished up my first grade in school.  And where we lived until the end of my second year in school, when, because of something called ‘Pearl Harbor,’ we moved far, far away, to an area called southern California; where our mother had talked our ‘dad’ into going, because, though he was the co-owner of the Ford dealership in Podunkville, there would be good employment there in either the shipyards or the local aircraft assembly plant.  How she knew all this, and why she really wanted to move there, is another story.  (Including their divorce; and our ‘mother’ on her own again.  Doing what she felt she needed to, to make it in this life.)

The point, here, is that I never really had much of a sense of a personal home, either in my growing-up years or later on, when I joined a spiritual community; where I lived for thirty years or so, along with a whole bunch of people from all over the world, or at least, most of it.  The world has been my home, then, for this period of something called ‘time’.  A veritable free bird.  And now I have grown old, near to the end of my normally allotted span of days (though there is a story in itself, about our 'allotted' freescore and ten).  And now, our Erstwhile Masters want to control me, and us, to within an inch of our lives: Where we go, where we can’t go; what we can read and write and see and even think, what we can’t.  Total automatons, to the Total State.

And I say to these, our Erstwhile Masters:

Bollocks to your New World Order.

And I say further, the following likes:  

from starshipearththebigpicture.com: ‘THE Most Important Thing To Know About the Classified FISA Memo [video]’ - orig. from Rose Rambles - January 21; posted here January 22
kibitzer3 says:
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Donald Trump is playing his role admirably in the Drama that has been going on for a very long time. Now having reached its Completion. With the taking-down of the false U.S. Republic, and its replacement with the Light side’s New World Order; which extols individuals as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ – NOT as slaves to a totalitarian State, the Overlords of which thinking to fasten the world into one big surveillance gulag, guarded over by reprehensible minions of an Erstwhile Master class. The world to be hydrated with currency – a convenient medium of exchange – dedicated to Service to Others; not Service to Self. As we ready now for a sea change, riding the wave(s) into a, the, New World. A/k/a a – the – Golden Age.

Hang on, folks It’s going to make for an interesting, but ultimately exhilarating, ride, here on in, to that Completion.

And then I can really

go Home.

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