Wednesday 24 January 2018

So, Where Are We Really?

Various people have weighed in regarding their take on Where We Are At, particularly Christians and doomsayers; the latter of whom have familiarized themselves with the machinations of the New World Order mob, and their unprecedented power to control the cattle, whom they wish not only to control to within an inch of their lives - by various nefarious means which I don’t need to get into in this blog* -  but to cull as many as necessary to fit their global needs.  Let’s take a look at all this.

First, the Christians.  Unfortunately, the Christians have bought into a fraudulent scenario.  More and more evidence is coming to light in our time that shows that that so-called New Testament story is just that: a story; concocted (in part out of themes of various 'god-men' extant at the time) by the imperial Roman household of the Flavians - of ‘god the father’ Vespasian, elder son Titus (made out to be the Son of Man as ‘prophesied’ in Jewish religious writings), and younger son Domitian, who each took the purple robe of Rome in turn.  This imperial household was augmented by a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus (who thus took the name of his adopting family, Flavius) and a considerable number of his fellow priest-line Jews and their families, who had seen the writing on the wall with son Titus’s siege and sacking of Jerusalem and consequent destruction of the Temple there, and ‘lived to fight another day,’ via Josephus’s contributions to Vespasian’s rise to emperor status.  And this priestly line subsequently became the first bishops of the new, concocted religion, of Christianity, built around a fictional character, designed to point to Titus as a vengeful Messiah to the stiff-necked Jews (the purpose being to get the Jews to stop looking to a militaristic Messiah to save them from their enemies, and accept the yoke of Rome, in ‘rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,’ and accepting Roman authority over them, etc. etc.), and also became emperors themselves, and fabulously wealthy landowners and members of the Roman senatorial class, and members of the royal dynasties that took over Western Civilization; also starting what has come to be known as Freemasonry.  

A secret society that has carried down to our day.   But to continue.

Next, the doomsayers.  They have a very real point.  The degree of technological control over humanity has become a Wonder of the modern world.  I won’t go into all those details here; suffice it to say, they are numerous, and amazing in ingenuity.  A relatively few people understand just how extensive this control is.  Which is unfortunate.  Because it is a major clue to the answer to the question posed herein; viz: Where We Are At.

We at Breakthrough point.

Because life is not just a stand-alone phenomenon.  It is a part of a larger Whole; a larger Plan and Purpose, than the ‘little wills of men’ have properly acknowledged.

Eliminating Christianity does not eliminate Truth.  it eliminates one aspect of the Falsity that we have been living under.  For long enough.

The Truth of things contains such ‘truths’ as:

Once we understand truly that there is a larger Plan and Purpose to life, we can leave the Process behind, and move into the Real Thing.  Such as:

* the elimination of the interest-bearing system of money, and its corollary, fractional-reserve banking.  Accompanied by a Jubilee, wiping away all debt, as we move into the New via debt-free currency.  On our way ultimately to a moneyless society, with such as replicators, and free energy devices, and teleportation, and such other aspects of the level of technology and consciousness that we have come to.

* With this elimination comes the elimination of wars.  Because with this elimination comes both the elimination of competition - in the greater Light of Cooperation, as the Human race coming together as One Holy Being (in microcosm of the macrocosm) - and of the comparatively elementary-school concept of making a ‘profit’.  

And you will note that I am not talking about socialism, or its Big Brother, communism.   Those are part of the Process, that has been going on, for long enough.

I am talking about the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.   

At long last.

Just not as some religionists have believed that it would come about.  By a terrible event they call Armageddon.

But by a different kind of Event.  Call it

a Wave.

Of Energy.

Of, more precisely, Light Energy.

The ‘fuel’ of the universe.


To a planet quite.  Near.  You.

Which is Where We Are At.

And right on 


In my take on things.

Looking - in depth - at all that has been going on.

In Our Time.


* Just quickly to mention how Google/YouTube, FB and Twitter, in concert with Red China, are assigning a Threat Matrix Score to all Internet users; plus, the FBI's Next Generation identification (NGI) project, with a biometric database on all U.S. residents, to assign 'risk assessment scores', leading not only to increased surveillance but even to 'precrime assessment'.
   You can't make this stuff up.  Unless you are of a totalitarian mindset.

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