Tuesday 9 January 2018

The Good News & The Bad News

Today I received a mailing from Jerome Corsi of Freedom's Defense Fund that contained some good news and some bad news.  The bad news is that, based on some leaked material from their camp, the Democrat Party is gearing up big time for all-out battle in 2018.  The good news is that they are doing so.  I will explain.

It all has to do with Opportunity.  And we have the Opportunity now for major Breakthrough, if we take this Opportunity at its high tide.  Which will mean that the Republican Party will have to do better than just be on defense, with the status quo, business-as-usual in mind.   For this is a spiritual battle in its deeper essence.  It is, in point of blunt fact, the decisive battle: the Dark side and the Light side for ‘the marble’ - this planet.  

Many on the Left know it; many more can perhaps sense it, but won’t admit to it.  Why?  Because that would be to acknowledge that there is even such a battle.  Secularists that they are.  They don’t want this confrontation considered in ‘religious’ terms.  To them, it is simply a matter of control.  Of Power.  Of, more specifically, Power Over Others (POO for short); and they want to rule the roost, so that they can crow the loudest, simply for its own sake.  

Well, ideology is involved.  Because at least the ringleaders of The Opposition feel that there is a scientific issue involved, they want to have their way, in a collectivist way.  Whereby the state is all-powerful; forcing people to do what the Top Dogs want them to do.  Top-down stuff.  Rather than governance from the bottom up.  With the individual as a, the, sovereign.  Because he has a soul. 

But shhh - don’t say that word around them.  That will bring ‘religion’ into the picture.

No.  It will bring Truth into the picture.

The whole Truth.  Not just a part.  That we have been living with, and in, for a very long time.

It’s time for a change, alright.  Just not the one that either of the basic players in the dialectical Drama has in mind.

And along this same ‘line’ - into the future - is a mailing from The Tea Party Command (‘a project of 1776 Nation, Inc.’).  In it Steve Eichler, CEO, points out how “the Liberal Machine” is so well oiled by the taxpayers’ own money, in the form of federal government unions (which keep the membership from ever being able to “be fired or reprimanded”) getting involved in partisan political activity - overwhelmingly on the Democrat side of the coin.  Eichler explains how Trump can ‘drain this swamp’ by a simple Executive Order.  But the point I want to make here is regarding the larger context of the matter.

First, to clarify: how BHO raised the ante, with authoritarian moves, resulting in the calling into being of a fuller reaction to the Dark side’s drive for national and global hegemony than ever before. So: What to do?    

1) Fight fire with fire: Issue an Executive Order eliminating such unions.  But rather than just go tit for tat, and keep the matter on the same level as the ‘problem’ (the definition of insanity; or at least, of a prolonged confrontation): 

2) Declare martial law.  Set things to rights in a wholesale, systemic way.  And then re-establish the Constitution, and its rule of law.
     Or better yet:

3)* Move Up.  To the next level of 
   Operation Gaia.  
   Which is the establishment of the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
   With Truth ruling the roost.
   And the reunion of this planet’s soul-level life force with its Galactic brothers and sisters. 
   About to take place.
   As we speak.
   And as we change our monetary and financial systems, to reflect this stage of our consciousness development.  And welcome
   the New World.

* that is, the third stage of The Process.  (Hegel had his finger on something very profound.  He just didn’t take his analysis of how historical things unfold in an evolutionary way to The Process’s logical conclusion, with the inclusion of the spiritual factor/dimension into the ‘equation’.)  First is a thesis; which triggers a reaction to it in the form of an antithesis; which in turn triggers a reaction to it in the form of a synthesis, which takes ingredients of both sides of the equation into its essence.  But since the process is not completed, until its ultimate End, that ‘synthesis’ just becomes the thesis of another go ’round of the unfolding process. 
   Until you get to the ultimate End.  Which, in this case, is a matter of a global response to the whole dynamic, of nation-states in competition with each other, and religions vs. atheism, and the Individual vs. the Collective, and such activities of the human evolutionary dynamic.

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