Wednesday 3 January 2018

Of Little Lambs And Watermelons

In The Place Where Louie Dwells

To the tables down at Mory’s
To the place where Louie dwells 
To the dear old Temple Bar we love so well
Sing the Whiffenpoofs, assembled
With their glasses raised on high
And the magic of their singing casts its spell.

Yes, the magic of their singing
Of the songs we love so well
 ’Shall I Wasting’ and ‘Mavourneen’ and the rest;
We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last,
Then we’ll pass and be forgotten with the rest.

We are poor little lambs who have lost our way.
Baa, baa, baa
We are little black sheep who have gone astray.
Baa, baa, baa.

Gentlemen songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity.
Lord have mercy on such as we.
Baa.  Baa.  Baa.

The Whiffenpoof Song.  I learned the words to that song by heart when I was pledging a fraternity in high school and had to come up with something entertaining one meeting night.  I don’t recall how I happened to come up with that particular song.  (I had no talent; but I could at least sing a song.)  But the point is, for this sharing, that I see something in it now that I didn’t at the time. Little did I know then how appropriate some of the lyrics would become later on. In my life.  And in the life of my country.

While America Slept, wolves crept in amongst us.  And worse.  And David Icke has summed the matter up nicely, when he goes through a litany of the degradations of these, our erstwhile masters - assassinations, and hijacked demonstrations, and pedophilia, including the ritualistic killing and drinking of the blood of babies - and then mimics a lower-class British housewife who says, in response to being told of some of this, in her/his sort-of Cockney accent, ‘Oh, they wouldn’t do thet,’ and his quick response, in his own and resolutely clear voice, ‘No - you wouldn’t do that.  They would.  And do.’

They.  The monsters amongst us.  Preying on us poor little lambs.

Who have lost our way.  And thus, allowed them to creep in amongst us.  Us; assuming that everybody was like us.  A little different, maybe. But surely, cut from the same essential cloth.

Why aren’t ‘they’ like us. essentially?  Aren’t we all ‘chips off the old’ same block??

I think, essentially, we are.  (A Creation is, after all, a creation.)  But it is my feeling that there is an essential truth behind the biblical myth of ‘fallen angels’ .1  I think that some souls have gotten so far off the Path, and become so captured by the illusion of Matter - this material realm, this Matrix, this hologrammatic classroom, this playroom wherein we can try out our various roles in comparative safety, to the larger reality; until we graduate - that they have become permanently stunted in their growth.  Took Matter as an end in itself, rather than as the means to an end that it rightfully is.2  And decided to attempt to become ‘gods’ - the calling that is in all of us; deep beneath the veneer of The Process - the easy way.  And, with nothing better to aspire to, have set up camp in Matter; and consequently, had their innate creative powers perverted, into becoming ‘top dog’ here.  Subject to no one and nothing but their own material hungers.  Where love becomes lust.  Power With becomes Power Over.  And so forth.3 

I could go on.  But let me cut to the chase.

To the watermelons amongst us - i.e., green on the outside, red on the inside; fashioned that way by their collectivist college professors and lower-grade (in more ways than one) school ‘teachers’ alike  - I’ll just say, in closing:

Yes, America has succumbed to the impulse to empire.
But if you have any intelligence at all
You won’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.

And to the wolves - and worse - amongst us - I say:
Bah.  BAH.  BAH.

And AWAY with you.


1 I call it a myth, because there is no proof that it is anything other.  The same with the myth of Adam and Eve.  And so forth.  These are human attempts to account for our existence, and surroundings.  
   But to continue for now. 

2 Much like ’they’ - and the poor little lambs who just follow them blindly, leading the way, into their thicket; catching the lambs for the kill - take money as an end in itself.  Which is what the concept - the simply mental construct - of ‘interest’ leads to.  Mesmerizingly.
   But to continue.

3 I think of it as ’ Power Over Others - POO for short’.


P.S. And another example today of how I am getting rather short-tempered about what is going on these dark days:

from ‘Book: Steve Brannon Calls Kushner, Manafort, Don Jr. Trump Tower Meeting With Russians ‘Treasonous’’ - Breitbart News - January 3


The fact that Bannon blew any credibility he had by backing Moore just to spite McConnell, says a lot too. Bannon personally lost us that seat in the senate. What a cowardly way to get revenge - Bannon had better speak out NOW.


  • kibitzer3
    forgetyoutooo a few seconds ago (January 3)

  • Nonsense. Moore didn't lose that seat. It was stolen by the Dems - because our side has failed to understand that this is total war, and the enemy is going all out, with nothing to lose in doing so, unless the Right calls them on their trickery and deceit. The Repubs should have been LOOKING for the left/NWO crowd to steal it - but since the Republican Establishment is part of the problem, they let Moore swing in the wind, even with all the evidence that is already in.

  • It's a two-front war, folks. Wake up and smell the coffee. Or go down to even more defeats; now that the Left knows that the Right won't stand up to their voter/electoral cheating. There needs to be an all-out campaign for Election Integrity measures to be put in place in this country. Or quit the field. You're toast.

  • Some inheritors of your birthright, you lot are. Where's the beef?

Where do YOU stand on these issues, Citizen??

There's still time, Brother......

...but not much.

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