Saturday 20 January 2018

On Goings-On In The Material World

On the Comments thread to an article at entitled ‘#ReleaseTheMemo goes viral as America demands to see bombshell details of the secret FISA warrant.. “s**t is about to hit the fan” - Mike Adams - January 19,
A guy posted a statement about the value of a guru to help free oneself from the “world drama,” citing for him Paramhansa Yogananda (teaching “that the material world is not supposed to be perfect b/c if it were, who would became [sic] so disenchanted that they would seek to enlighten themselves”);
not realizing that there is a macro aspect to ‘enlightenment’ as well, not just an individual aspect; plus the Earth having its own Ascension experience to go through as well.  My response to his posting:

kibitzer3 Moses 4 minutes ago (January 20)

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Natural News.

The thing is, Moses, that a time comes when The Process has played out its course, as far as it can go, before needing Breakthrough, or it will collapse in on itself, as in nuclear explosions; and we are now at that point. To say, it's Ascension time, for those who can make the grade, consciousness-wise. For those who can't, well, that's a Harvest for you. To them we can say: Better luck next time. As we go Up a notch, or two. Into 4D and 5D. Finished with kindergarten as those who make the cut are. Ready for advanced courses.


I really feel that the phenomenon of someone - whether the Israelis, or a renegade group in Red China, or the NWO crowd in the CIA, or whomsoever - actually letting fly with a nuclear missile, in an attempt to start WWIII, signals the end of The Process, and the need, now, for Breakthrough, into the Synthesis stage of the whole historical evolutionary path that we have been on, on this beautiful planet; now 'demanding' of us our best.  Not our worst.

So let's have at it.  At that stage of our schooling.  

As budding gods.

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