Thursday 11 January 2018

Disgusting And Demeaning

The more I see and read, in my daily dose of snail mail, magazines, and the Internet, the more I figure that

it’s time.

The corruption is just so in-our-faces now, in "a long train of abuses and usurpations".  The latest being the revelations, via the highly commendable Project Veritas team, about how Twitter engineers deliberately censor conservative opinions, via such clever but disgusting techniques as ‘shadow banning,’ where the poster sees his/her contribution but no one else does.*  

Have we lost the plot, or what??  And can we find our way back to the true reality???  

The one that acknowledges our spiritual aspect.  Not just our material one.  In this 3D classroom for budding gods.  Many of whom are losing their - the - Way.  And trying to make their own.  Like Marxists, who say, in effect:

‘We can do it without you, God.  Get lost.’

Um.  It isn’t God who is lost.  Silly fools.

I could go on.  But you get the idea.  

Let me wrap this particular sharing up, with reference also to the current attempt by our erstwhile masters - hereinafter to be referred to as our EMs - to undercut Western Civilization, as a creation in particular of the White Man, and thus the current attempt to denigrate both it and ‘white supremacists,’ in this tactic of our EMs employed to undercut the Established Order, for replacement by ‘people of color,’ but which in actuality means governance by those who have orchestrated this whole ‘historical’ thing for eons of time:  

Luciferians.  Of whatever stripe.  And including pedophilia in their litany of crimes against humanity. 

So, in sum:

I must say that I relate more to the part of my genetic makeup that ‘belongs’ to the North American Indian tribes relating closely to Nature, in their seasonal encampments, than to the other, larger part of me that ‘relates’ to, say, the white settlers and cowboys, gambling with their hard-earned scrabblings in saloons. and making a buck however they can.  But the latter Way of Life is how things have turned out; and the descendants of those original white settlers ended up carving out on this continent a new nation, and for the world’s edification, grounded primarily in the idea of essential Liberty, that has lasted a good long while, until now; when this - yes - blessed nation is facing a major assault on it and its founding principles.  By people who mean to rule over others, as unto slaves, or a feudal society.  The People’s nation having been sold out under them, by unscrupulous individuals who mean to be EMs over the real People.  

I say No.

I say: You have gone far enough, in your rebellion against your better natures.

And I will take over now; to see the real New in.

Because The (historical) Process is over.  All aspects of it - Actions and Reactions - met, and facing resolution.  For the ultimate, Synthesis-stage outcome:

a global state of Love, in alignment with the larger Whole.  

The disgusting and demeaning business along the Way

over and done with.  In the crowning now of

Truth and Beauty

shining brightly

to guide our way

Home, again.

With the consciousness addition of all the lessons learned along the Way.

By those individuals who are ready, now, for The New.

In an Ascension process.

Out of the Old.

Which some of Us will, unfortunately, stay stuck in.

Having lost the plot.

And needing another go at grabbing the golden ring of Awareness.  And thereby leaving the merry-go-round, of Life in 3D ‘reality’, behind.

Realizing, that merry-go-rounds just do that.

Go round, and round.  And round.

Where it may feel merry.

But it is but illusion.  As opposed to

the real thing.

Grab your chance this time, Friend.  And



* And the whole business about censoring conservatives extends as well to other social media sites, Facebook and Google/YouTube.  All having become monopolies; and thus, all needing to be regulated, as a public utility.
   Another subject in its own right.
   Along with the subject of a, the, new ’economic’ system itself.
   Which will change all things fundamentally, in and of itself, anyway.  Including to prosperity from lack.  With the new governance.
   About all of which, more in due time.

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