Wednesday 17 January 2018

The Clock Is Ticking. The Next Sound You Hear...

from ‘’”FLUPOCALYPSE” mass hysteria is just another propaganda push for mindless vaccination compliance’ - Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - January 16

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (January 17)

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Natural News.

Excellent report, Mike; thanks.

Heads need to roll, once things are set to rights in this country, on this, as in other fronts, of the war going on against The People, by TPTB. Who need to become The Powers That Were just as soon as possible.

Mike talks about the ingredients in the flu vax continuing the likes of mercury, formaldehyde, and MSG, and recommending instead “the flu-busting properties of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and anti-influenza herbal remedies”.  (And points out how the flu shot promotes a weakened immunity, so that it sets you up for ‘needing’ another flu shot the nest year, and the next…  A great little money-spinner, that.)  

i am reminded of a particularly key factor regarding the dangers of vaccines that I came across a number of years ago.*  It turns out that a) all live-virus vaccines, as in the MMR, contain a substance called glutamic acid (it acts as a stabilizer), and b) this substance happens to have the property also of lowering levels of a substance called glutathione in the body.  Glutathione is critical for the carrying of heavy metals out of the body.  So, if the MMR shot is given at the same time as, say, the flu vax, with its load of mercury - or any other vax which contains aluminum, which a lot of vaxes do (it is an adjuvant, designed to hype up the antibody response to the vax) - it would act to cut down the ability of the body to excrete such heavy metals.    

Not only do the medical industry frontliners not know this, or rather not warn the public about this factor.  But they also prescribe Tylenol for side effects of vaccines, and Tylenol has the same effect on glutathione levels.  So, it is working against the body’s ability to excrete heavy metals as well.

We are being done in by idiots.

Or the equivalent of paid shills.

We really need a Reset, as a race.  The whole world to enter into a New Era.

And not a moment too soon.


* And another one at about the same time was how a researcher at the U of Utah had discovered the vaccine-strain measles virus from the MMR shot at the damaged gut lining of children diagnosed as autistic.  A 'leaky gut' thus allowing peptides/toxins to enter the bloodstream and some passing through the blood-brains barrier into the brain.  Autism being a result of brain damage.  And as confirmed by the Vaccine Court accepting a case of autism caused by the MMR vaccine - but diagnosed it as, rather than autism, 'Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis' (ADEM).  Anything to avoid acknowledging a link between vaccines and autism.

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