Tuesday 9 January 2018

Meanwhile, Behind The Scene...

Pet Peeve Night:

from dailywire.com: ‘Oprah Gives Much-Ballyhooed Speech on #MeToo. Here Are 4 Problems With It.’ - Ben Shapiro - January 8
(Oprah speaking at the Golden Globes Award night, and getting accolades for it, including suggestions that she run for president in 2020. Meryl Streep couldn’t pass up the opportunity not only to support her in such a run, but to get in another snide dig at Trump…
I am not amused; for a particular reason.)

kibitzer3 18 minutes ago (January 9)

Speaking of the Golden Globes Awards night, and Meryl Streep speaking up again in denigration of Pres. Trump: I'm still waiting for her to apologize in front of such a large TV audience for when she unfairly and mistakenly accused Trump [at last year's GGA night] of having "mocked" a disabled reporter. He did not, as had come out soon after the incident was spread around by his enemies in the MSM; but I guess that info never reached Meryl, being buried on the equivalent of p. 85 as it apparently was. (An old trick, often employed: Accuse someone who is your enemy of something, so that it gets major headline coverage, but when the truth comes out, it gets buried way back in the back pages.) But by now, a year later, she should know that that was a calumny, and should have acknowledged it, for her good name - and what was worse, continued her snide attacks on the man. So she is still lacking in that regard. Her 'good name,' I mean.


The Left is full of such deceit.  No morals.  (Which, in Meryl's case, amounts to no class.)  A shame.

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