Saturday 13 January 2018

The Pearl Of Great Price

There are some pretty outrageous people out there.  There are the people who are trying to create a race war in this country, to further their ends.  (More on which, see below.)  And there are people who are specifically responsible for the fact that “72% of (U.S.) students are unaware of who fought in World War II.”1  And - 

 wait - what?

Come again??

That is, well, outrageous.

That means that a large majority of U.S. students don’t know about key aspects - and positive ones at that (but of course that's the point) - of their country’s history.   Don’t know about the likes of D-Day.  (Can you imagine??)  Or perhaps, then, not even Pearl Harbor.

Can you believe this???

Actually, I can.  Because I am aware that we are up against a formidable foe.  One who wants to take over the whole world.  Who would go so far as to alter history, or even censor it - as in the above case - to accomplish their end.

Which is complete control over humanity.  And which, in this case, means the destruction of the United States of America.

Now, why would they want to do that??

I’ve got some ideas on the subject.  Of why so many of our youth have been brainwashed into thinking that the U.S. is ’the Great Satan’.

It involves the attempts of communists (and other collectivists behind them; think 'corporatism') to weaken this nation, into a state of easier overthrow (or like unto a ripe fruit, falling into their readied hands), for being the main obstacle standing in the way of the ascension on the planet of their vaunted New World Order.

I think their argument - well; they don’t allow any legitimate rebuttal to their ideological, presumed ‘scientific’ take on things, so I’ll rephrase that: I think their position goes something like this:

The White Man’s civilization reached a very high level of technological development.  But that development is harming - terribly; even so far as Global Warming-oops-Climate Change - the planet, with its pollution of the environment, and particularly its deleterious effect on the social order, resulting in some very wealthy people - mostly (but not exclusively) whites - and some very poor people - overwhelmingly ‘people of color,’ left in the wake of that unregulated development; all of which requires ‘social justice’ to come into play.  So, ‘obviously’ ('ineluctably,' in Marxist jargon) we should establish ‘equality,’ which means, in this context, and in communist terms, everyone having the same level of income (because no one is 'better' than another, don't you see), and the state runs things, rather than the individual as a sovereign.  (With a controlling class running the state.  But to continue.)  So: Collectivism is to rule over Individualism; the latter ‘personified’ by Western Civilization, and thus to be demonized, and 'deconstsructed'.

I think I have that argu - that position, about right.  So: In their utopia, Marxists deny the individual any autonomy, which is to say, freedom.  Or ‘essential liberty,’ as the U.S. Constitution secures for the citizenry in this country.  And thus, the surreptitious and subversive flooding into this country of other races and cultures: to dilute the ‘established order’ in order to submerge the (formerly 'exceptional') U.S. into a totalitarian New World Order, where the state will run the operation, and - hopefully, in the Collectivists’ mind - in an enlightened if still technocratic fashion, with the White Man no longer ruling the roost.  

There are subordinate factors involved in this scenario, regarding ‘filthy capitalists’ (as in wanting cancer to continue for the money in it) and so forth.2  Including the dethroning of Christianity (and its Right to Life ‘archaic’ attitude, in the ‘liberation’ of Woman), and our Erstwhile Masters' desire to do away with religion altogether, ideally.  Another piece of the dialectic picture.  (After they have used one religion to fight another into oblivion.)  But I think this pretty much sums the arg - the position - up.

And so we have a clash of civilizations.  Into something more than the positions of either of the protagonists in the process: 

an outcome that takes the best of both sides of the dynamic (the dialectic, to use the Marxist term for what is going on); with the Synthesis stage adding something of its own:   


The end of

The Process.

Speaking of The End of History, as I have been doing today.

For a good reason.

For a Good reason.


1 quote from  the covering letter to a mailing from the National D-Day Memorial Foundation.

2 Like: If left to his own devices, Sovereign Individual - capitalism or no - will screw up the planet terribly, like a cancer on it; and so he needs to be reined in, by an/the all-powerful state.  Looking out for the planet, and ‘the little guy’.
   Although that is not how it turned out in the former Soviet Union; when once naked Power is the Point...
   But to continue.

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