Friday 24 May 2013

An Open Letter To Dianne Feinstein

(email sent to my Senator's office today)

May 24

Dear Senator Feinstein,

* Nearly 2 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition; enough bullets to fight a 20-year war;
* 7,000 fully automatic rifles for the DHS, which the govt. is calling 'personal defense weapons'; when you call the semi-automatic versions owned and requested by civilians, 'assault weapons';
* A total of 2,717 mine-resistant light tanks with ports for 50-caliber machine guns, for use by the DHS;
*Tens of millions of dollars' worth of bulletproof checkpoint booths;
* Thousands of 'nontraditional threat' practice targets picturing pregnant women, old ladies, and even young children, for use by the DHS;
* The TSA now expanding from airports to bus terminals and subways and highways -

- all because of 'terrorists'???...

Senator, you are being used (I think the apposite term is 'useful idiots') by the Obama administration to facilitate a Marxist takeover of the American constitutional republic by him and his radical comrades.  Wake up.

The people need military grade weapons to defend themselves with.  When you deny them that right, you act contrary to their rights, as free and sovereign citizens.  Not subjects of a despot. 

Please explain.   


'Stan' Stanfield  


This email letter was occasioned by a snail mail letter I received yesterday and got around to reading this morning with my (late) breakfast, with a notation on the envelope notifying/reminding me, quote:

'Barack Hussein Obama has declared Stan Stanfield to be an "enemy of the state"!'

Just so.

An enemy of his state, that is.  With an excellent quote - the quote - from Patrick Henry included in the enclosed message. 


I think the apt term here is:

Molon labe.


And speaking of the Battle of Thermopylae, I am reminded of an essay I wrote in high school.  I can't remember what the assignment was; I think it was open, for I recall sitting at our breakfast table - this is circa 1951 or so - and wondering what to write about.  For whatever reason, I chose to write about my pessimism regarding humanity's future.  It may have been occasioned by the recently declared war in Korea - excuse me; the 'police action' there, for whatever arcane political reason it was being called that.  Arcane, to the mind of a teenager, just beginning to awaken to the matters of the, his, adult world.1  I don't recall what I titled it; but I remember well - for whatever reason - how I started it:

'Down through the eternal ages Man has been witness to one internecine carnage after another.  From the Battle of Thermopylae to The Punic Wars, to the most recent example of such mayhem, of what we have euphemistically called World War II, ...

'What is behind all this ugly and immature behavior?...

"(War) has become part of the nature of Man.'

And I ended the essay on that less-than salubrious note.2  My teacher, as I recall, communicated on my returned paper that she was sorry that I was so pessimistic; but that she could understand.  And it is only now - with the subject having come up, here - that I think I can understand what she meant by that: in a comment to a young man, on the verge of being subject personally to the 'needs' of such a world as I was writing about.

In the event, I became a conscientious objector, when I was called on by the Draft - this was in 1956, when I had dropped out of university (on my search-in-earnest for Truth) and so was no longer exempt, for not being a (formal) student - and served two years in (post-war, sorry, post-'police action') Korea in that capacity;3 having, in the course of my post-formal studies, found my way into a belief in a larger reality than the one I was increasingly feeling incarcerated in.4

Example.  I can recall what I wrote on my application for c.o. status, as if it were yesterday:

'The Christ last made manifest on Earth through the disciple Jesus of Nazareth.  The element of progression over the earlier teachings, such as those of Buddha, was the active doctrine of Love.

'Feeling this, I don't see how I can carry weapons...'

And at this point, my mind flashes on a memory of ROTC class in my third (or was it the tail of my second) year of university.  I, like most of my class (of '56; with the war er police action just moving into an uneasy armistice around that time), took ROTC on the recommendation of our counselors; and the day came when my small classroom of fellow officer candidates were being lectured about the different types of machine guns there were.  The Army trainer droned on, in the afternoon heat of a stuffy temporary classroom our near the parade field: There were air-cooled, such-and-such...and such-and-such; and such-and-such... and my mind rebelled, and I went back in a bit of a headachy stupor to my dorm room, and closed and locked the door, and put on an LP record - I needed Wagner, for whatever reason, at that point - and laid on my bed, and shaded my eyes, and bathed in the healing vibrations from the music, for a long time.  It took more than the one side of the record to help me come back to my senses.  And when I did, I went to talk to the man in charge of the ROTC program, and applied to quit the ROTC course, and never went back to class.  I got in trouble for that unilateral decision, later on, when some committee reviewed these kinds of things.  But I didn't care.  I knew - knew - that that path was not for me.  That there was no way that I was ever going to fire such weapons.

Even in defense against the DHS's 50-caliber machine guns (air-cooled version or not; or whatever improvements they have made in such things these days).  Because that is not the way of the future.

And souls like me are here, incarnated, to tell humanity that.

Until we are heard.

And make a difference.

And that's the sort of difference that it makes.

And takes.      



1 I was soon to happen to read Whittaker Chambers's 'Witness', as a further step on my journey into the world that I had been born into.  

2 You will note the use of 'big words'.  I was in the middle of expanding my vocabulary at the time.  I cringe a little at the overreach.  But what's a heaven for, if not to get us to extend our reach beyond our grasp??  

3 actually, rather than serving most of my time as a medic - which my c.o. status trained me as (and my pre-Med studies had prepared me for, somewhat) - I ended up spending most of my tour of duty in Special Services, writing Soldier Shows and handling the organizing in my area - the Seventh Division; aka the Bayonet Division, of all horrific names - for touring show troupes, mostly from the USO, but in part from the Koreans themselves.  But that's all part of another story.

4 I should note here that I was born into and brought up in the Mormon faith; so I had a typical child's exposure to such things, i.e., a religion.  But for me, it never really took; and I dropped out of going to Sunday school rather early on.  I just couldn't get into the 'swing' of it.  Who was this man called Jesus anyway; and what did all of that have to do with life on Earth now???  It seemed to be making no real difference, in how people lived their lives.  Oh, Christians were nice people.  But...what about all the rest of the crap going on??
     To paraphrase Hillary Clinton of recent vintage: What difference did it make???...


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