Saturday 25 May 2013

The Worm Turns - Or Does It

To Be, Or Not To Be...

from gulag 'Now Fact: All Aspects ObamaGov Completely Corrupt/Criminal' - Sher Zieve - May 24 - reposted on CDR Kerchner (Ret)'s Blog  - May 25
('Even today, many media outlets are still working fora Obama, in order to minimize hiss visible complicity in the assassinations of US citizens in Benghazi, his illegal spying on and record-seizing of news agencies and their reporters (to date the AP and Fox News), his illegal and Gestapo-like usage of one of the most powerful and suppressive agencies ever to exist…the IRS…to threaten and intimidate US citizens (aka conservatives) who do not agree with his Hitlerian and Stalinistic programs and policies with their own and their families' personal destruction; along with Obama's continuing active destruction of virtually every aspect of what was once the United States of America…')

  1. POA says:
    May 24, 2013, 9:21 pm at 9:21 pm

    When the media conned the Republicans into accepting Obama as a legitimate candidate even though he was not a natural born citizen then they sealed their fate. They are like the unwilling member of a gang that were present during a robbery and now have to keep their mouths shut else they land their own rear ends in trouble. The question is how far does law enforcement and congress and the courts let this charade go on? At some point tempers are going to flare and chaos is going to occur unless something drastic happens soon.

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    • Robert says:
      May 25, 2013, 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm

      Thank you POA.

    • You are absolutely correct.

    • Both parties were and are complicit in getting an ineligible, identity fraud con-artist on the ballot and elected. To do so was treason at the highest level so Congress now believes their only action can be to protect the usurper and pretend his is a “normal” presidency. Anything else would subject members of Congress to the penalties for treason.

    • Congress protects Obama to protect themselves and that makes Obama investigation and impeachment proof….and he knows it. 

    • To protect themselves Congress will watch the total destruction of America unfold in front of them.

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  3. American-American says:
    May 25, 2013, 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm

    I fear no action will be taken. It is stunning but real.

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  5. TeaPartyConservatism says:
    May 25, 2013, 9:19 pm at 9:19 pm

    Abandoning Article 2, Section 1, our Constitution has enabled a de facto president, devoid of ethics, who loathes our Constitution, to inflict death, damage and disgrace upon our nation as evidenced by numerous scandals.

  6. Our Constitution disqualifies from eligibility to serve as president, those not a “natural born citizen” born in the nation to citizen parents (plural), pursuant to Article 2, Section 1, “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible … .” Exempting a “citizen” from being a “natural born citizen” is self evident proof the terms aren’t equal, as crafted on the advice of John Jay, to exclude foreign allegiance.

  7. “Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.” — John Jay, (As written, but “born” was underlined), to George Washington presiding at Constitutional Convention, 7/25/1787.

  8. The usurper can only be prevented from further implementing his tyrannical intent, by “We the People” demanding Congress finally enforce the Constitution.

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    • Stan says:
      May 25, 2013, 10:35 pm at 10:35 pm

      …And since the Congress has failed in its constitutional responsibility to be a check against a rogue Executive, the military – who have sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution, “against all enemies, foreign and domestic”; and have further sworn to “bear true faith and allegiance to the same” – need now to honor their oath, and swing into action, to save said constitutional Republic.

    • That would mean to put the Executive under house arrest; and the same with the members of the colluding Congress,* until such time as The People come up with an Officer OF the People, who will take over the reins of governance, and call for elections within a time certain; in the meantime, with the legitimate power to clean the Augean stables of the corrupt executive branch of government. 

    • The charges against the Usurper and his minions in the executive branch are legion; and to be left to a cleansed judicial branch, or brought before a military court of justice, whichever seems most fit in the event. And to clarify: the recent election has no bearing on the matter – as to the constitutional order of authority – because it was a tainted election, with an ineligible candidate winning the presidency; and so, therefore, was the 2008 election. Thus a crucial reason for new, untainted elections, as soon as possible. As well, of course to be noted: that all the legislation that this ineligible candidate for the presidential office signed into law is henceforth – from this setting to rights of the Republic – null and void. (And so of course are all his Executive Orders, and memoranda, and presidential letters, and signing statements – the entire panoply of power that he employed, in the pursuit of his illegal activity in the purloined office.)
      And may forgiveness play a role in the bringing to justice of all those involved in this outrageous state of affairs. And a lesson be learnt by all; especially The People, of a nation nominally ruled of, by, and for them, under the rule of law. Which in this instance has been the Constitution of the United States of America.

    • Sorely tested, and tattered. But still intact. As an ensign for the nation’s military to now salute, and defend, in earnest. 

    • * the members of the judicial branch of the federal government, in the form of the Supreme Court, are technically free from enforced inclusion in this matter, because the matter of Obama’s ineligibility for the office never fully arrived to their level of jurisdiction. That they were in part responsible for that fact is germane to the issues at hand; but their hands are technically clean in the matter, and they can simply be ignored as a working part of the equation, of getting the federal government back on legal track; as long as the military do not try for a takeover of the nation, in an overthrow of that which they are sworn to uphold.

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