Monday 23 March 2015

On The Choosing

And so Ted Cruz
Chooses to
Miss the cut
Between the sheep
And the goats
Going on.
            Too bad.
It is
His choice
To make.
             No one
Can make it
For him, or
Stand in
For him, when
He admits - as
He will:
               'I made
A mistake.'

And speaking of the time
Coming shortly
When the Truth of things
Will out, I recommend
You begin each day
With an affirmation
Of sorts
          to set it up.
You might like to try
This one:

'I Do Not Consent
To live in an environment
Of corruption.
I will live only
In a state of Truth
And Beauty.'

And watch it
Come about
      as chickens
      come home
      to roost
      and the sheep
      are separated
      from the goats
And things that were
To be set right


,,,and Further On Raining On One's Parade

from Tea Party C.C.: ‘Obama’s ‘Signature Achievement’ Will Be Bypassing The Constitution’- posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - March 22 (orig. posted at - March 19) 

Reply by Barb Suto 3 hours ago (March 23)

Everyone is correct in this post.    His plan right along was a NWO and to destroy the greatest country on earth!   I hope Cruz makes it !
  • Reply
Permalink Reply by Lynwood Collins 2 hours ago

Ihope cruz makes it too but most americans dont even know what an honorable man looks likes let alone even care.Besides the main strream media is altready calling him an extremis.I just can't believe how many stupid Americans are out there.
  •  Reply
Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 10 seconds ago (March 23)

Speaking of: What does it take to understand that the whole point of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers in putting the "natural born citizen" eligibility requirement in the contract for the office of the presidency - and that particular office ONLY, please everybody note - was to make sure that the candidate, if elected - who would then as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - had no DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES.  As a naturalized citizen would be subject to.  And as a DUAL CITIZEN would be subject to.  Like Obama.  And like Cruz.

Conservatives need to face the facts on this matter.  TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT.  If Obama is not called on his usurpation of the office - and ESPECIALLY if conservative Republicans (as opposed to 'moderate,' expedient, NWO Republicans) don't set this matter right, instead of compounding it - that will signal the end of the Constitution, and the rule of law in the country.  And the rise of the imperial state, where the law is whatever the despot says it is.

Wake up, America.  You are being had.  From both the Left AND the Right.


Reply by oldtexasgal 1 hour ago (March 23)

Stan Stanfield, I do agree with you. Interestingly, two prominent legal authorities disagree with us! This article came out today at Yahoo's home page:

"Can Ted Cruz serve as President if he was born in Canada?
Check this excerpt from the article:

"Two prominent legal authorities, Neal Katyal and Paul Clement, said in a Harvard Law Review article that “there is no question that Senator Cruz has been a citizen from birth and is thus a ‘natural born Citizen’ within the meaning of the Constitution.”

Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (March 24)

Thanks for your response, oldtexasgal.  What we need to understand, and acknowledge, in this matter is that both the Dems AND the Repubs are behind the sleight of hand going on.  They are the two wings of the New World Order bird that TPTB are trying to fly.  Hopefully it won't get off the ground, for being too cumbersome, being so filled with the hot air and ballast of corruption that it is.

Interestingly, one of those 'experts' quoted in the article referred to a letter of John Jay.  I have read that letter.  It was to G. Washington, in his role as Chair of the Constitutional Convention proceedings, and it actually makes 'our' case for us - i.e., the case of the truth in the matter.  Which is that the term "natural born citizen" was employed, as an eligibility requirement for that particular office, AND in relation to Jay's warning, as I indicated in my post: to make sure that the potential Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces had NO DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES.  As either a naturalized citizen OR A DUAL citizen would be subject to.

This reading of the matter is also supported by the historical fact that Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate to the Convention, proposed that the president need only be a "citizen" - and his proposal WAS SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent NBC category of citizen, i.e., one born on the soil of U.S. citizen parents - PLURAL, and thus with no foreign loyalties or allegiances.  For those 'experts' to have equated a mere "citizen" with a "natural born" citizen is the height of absurdity.  And worse: of corruption.

They know what they are doing.  They are trying to move the Constitution from a legal contract to a malleable instrument of power, to be manipulated to give the outcomes that they want.  They are deceitful and disgusting in the games that they are playing, and should not be listened to - and in fact, should be exposed, for the treacherous elements that they are, in the battle of TPTB to wean the U.S. away from the constraints of the Constitution/rule of law, and turn it into a plaything of those in power.

Cicero warned us about these very sorts of people.  They are called, historically, traitors.  Enemies within the gates.  And should be treated as such.

(Cicero reference: '[The traitor] rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.  A murderer is less to fear.  The traitor is the plague.")       


from ‘Here’s The Sad Democrat Party Response To Ted Cruz Running For President’ - March 23  (orig. posted at - Jason Howerton - March 23)

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (March 23)

Since Ted, like the Usurper Obama, is not eligible for that office, this is all merely theater, that needs to end, and the truth - and Truth - gotten back to, before the Constitution becomes simply a dead letter under the hands of both the Dems AND the Repubs. And it takes neither a legal beagle nor a rocket scientist to understand that. Stop and think: the whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers in putting the "natural born citizen" eligibility requirement into their contract for that particular office - and that particular office ONLY, if it please the court of public understanding to note - was to make sure that the candidate, if elected - who would then as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - had no DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. As a naturalized citizen would be subject to. And as a DUAL CITIZEN would be subject to. DUH.

This reading of the matter is supported historically by the letter by John Jay, a respected statesman of the time (and who was to become the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Court, such was his reputation for fairness and legal acumen), to G. Washington in his role as Chair of the Constitutional Convention proceedings, on this very point ('no foreign allegiances in that office'). It is also supported by the fact that Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate to the Convention, proposed that the president need only be a "citizen" - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more strict category referred to above, i.e., one born on the soil of U.S. citizen parents - PLURAL. It is as well supported by the fact that the delegates were well familiar with the legal treatise on such subjects, by E. de Vattel, titled 'The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law'. And if they weren't, all they had to do was ask their elder mentor, Benjamin Franklin, sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself, who had three copies of the tome, what they were voting on. Bottom line: They KNEW what they were voting on. The People in our day and time obviously don't. A terrible shame. We are about to trash the Constitution, in trying to make two wrongs make a right. It won't go, ladies and gentlemen. What needs to happen, is that Obama goes, as the Usurper that he is. And we get back to Truth - and the Constitution - in our lives. 

I rest my case.

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