Sunday 1 March 2015

Report From The Front Lines

1a) from 'Rand Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll, Scott Walker Close Second' - Mar. 1 (orig. posted at - by Jill Colvin, AP - Feb. 28)
John Spencer · Top Commenter  6 hours ago

Time Jeb stepped down and stopped pretending to be one of us. The other four, in any order, I could live with, but I wish Ted was born here with two citizen parents.
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  • Stan Stanfield
    · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Mar. 1)
  • Thanks for pointing out the sticking point about Cruz, John. If conservatives can't get the constitutional "natural born citizen" issue right, how can we expect the average Joe & Jill American to?? A "natural born citizen" is one born on the soil of U.S. citizen parents - PLURAL, as you point out. It's not rocket science. The whole point of that requirement for that office - and that office ONLY - was so that the candidate, if elected - who would then as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - would have no DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen would be subject to.  And like a DUAL CITIZEN would be subject to. Like Obama. Who needs to be removed from that office for that reason ALONE, let alone [for] all the unconstitutional actions that he has taken since ascending illegally to it. For, if we don't act on this issue while we still can, the Constitution will have become a dead letter, subject to the whim of any tyrant who manages to fool the public into electing him (or her). 
  • It's time to claim our Constitution back. Obama - OUT. Cruz, Rubio, Jindal: You are ineligible for that very same reason. Come out and admit to it publicly, and help save this nation from those who are trying to make it just a part of a region - the North American Union - of their New World Order. It's time to fish or cut bait. All Americans: Front and center. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country - or forget it. It will be too late then.

1b) from Jill Colvin, AP - Feb. 28

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (Mar. 1)

There's a huge elephant in the room, and it isn't just the Republican Party one, though that's close. Which has to do with Ted Cruz's ineligibility for the office, and the Republican Party's failure to engage in admission finally on the issue. The issue, of neither Ted Cruz nor Barry Obama being a "natural born" citizen.
This is NOT rocket science. The whole point of that requirement for that office - and that particular office ONLY - was so that the candidate, if elected - who would then as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces; a far-from incidental factor in all this - would have no DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen would be subject to. And like a DUAL CITIZEN would be subject to. Like Obama. Who needs to be removed from that office for that reason ALONE; let alone for all the unconstitutional actions that he has taken since ascending illegally to it, in a performance as good as any could ever have been as to the wisdom of the constitutional Framers on this point.
And this needs to happen just as soon as possible. Before it becomes too late to, with the Usurper taking the country into a state of national emergency, and a consequent declaration of Martial Law, and thereby does away with the Constitution in its entirety. Rather than just as the dead letter that it has become, as long as this trashing of its essence remains in force, and the Usurper is allowed to remain in the office, because the Republican Party doesn't have the backbone to evict him. But hey - they would have had to collude in the charade in the first place, for it to get off the ground. So they are a party - and Party - to the crime as well.
So we have a major constitutional crisis on our hands. So it is up to We the People to step in, and take our country back, from those who would attempt to hijack it, from its roots in the Constitution, and the rule of law, and turn it into a mere plaything under the rule of men. In a replay of what happened to the Roman Republic; more's the pity.
Now is the time for all good American citizens to come to the aid of their country. Or it will quite likely be too late.


2) from '6 Years Later: Why Eligibility Matters' - Joseph Farah - Mar. 1

"Before the 2008 election was held, I tried to warn America of what was coming.
If we ignored what the Constitution explicitly said regarding the eligibility of presidential candidates, then the founding documents that held our nation together and set it apart from the rest of the world would be rendered meaningless.
"We would no longer be governed by the rule of law, I predicted. We would be governed by the rule of men.
"Now, more than six years later, we are saddled with a president who knows no one is going to hold him accountable to the law. After all, if we didn’t take the Constitution seriously on a matter of the few and simple eligibility rules it set forth regarding the presidency, why would the Congress, the courts and the people hold him accountable [to] other laws of the land?
"The results are in. The evidence is clear. The history has been written.
"Barack Obama has abused his authority as president to, in effect, legislate new rules on immigration, after making repeated public comments making clear he knew he had no such power. He even neglected to follow his own executive branch rules in issuing what has been incorrectly termed an “executive order,” as WND first reported. And now he ignores a federal judge’s ruling on that fine point.
"This is one of a thousand examples of how the rule of law has been abolished in America today, for all intents and purposes…
"In reflecting on all this, it seems like a bad dream.
"Does anyone care about the rule of law anymore?
"Does anyone care about the Constitution?
"Does anything matter?
"Is the system hopelessly broken now?
"From 2008 through 2015, many people told me the eligibility issue was simply not important. Obama, they explained, had to be defeated on his political agenda. To me, flouting the Constitution demonstrated Obama’s political agenda. It exposed it. It revealed it. It demonstrated it. Flouting the Constitution was the agenda.
"That’s what I thought then. Today, I am 100 percent convinced of that fact.
"More than six years later, the questions about Obama’s eligibility remain. How could a man whose father was a non-American and a mother too young to confer natural born citizenship on her son be eligible for the presidency? But no one cares – except late-night comedians. The whole issue has become one big joke.
"Sadly, so has the rule of law.
"Giving a pass on the constitutional eligibility test in 2009 was like allowing the camel’s nose under the tent. Since then, the camel has entered the tent and done what camels do when allowed inside – wreaked utter havoc."

Indeed, Joseph. Indeed.
Thank you for your pointing out the obvious: that actions have consequences. And sometimes, they can be very bad ones. Very, very bad.

Fortunately, there were a considerable number of supporting comments to Joseph's article.

There's hope yet…


…and then there are little gifts like this, from the front lines of our daily lives.  From Golden Age of Gaia of Mar. 1:

And finally…
More feel good news stories to explore.
This article of course comes at a perfect time. With me under the weather, I invite you to explore the top 10 kindness stories of 2014 as chosen by another author. I do believe we think very much alike!
Read them, and enjoy the various flavors of our live - especially on the bright side.  :-)

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