Saturday 16 July 2016

A Call To Arms

Oath Keepers To The Rescue

from ‘We Can’t Wait 6 Months To Oust Obama From Office’ - Larry Klayman - July 15
("Exclusive: Larry Klayman dubs 'Muslim King' most corrupt and evil president ever”)


Good call, Larry. We can't wait that long. The Usurper and his handlers are too likely to orchestrate a 'state of national emergency' event to give him the Opportunity to declare martial law, and thus do away with the Constitution in one fell swoop that way, rather than by the death of a thousand cuts that he has been subjecting it to.  So: What to do. Answer: We need a short lesson in plain English, and then go from there.

What am I talking about. I am talking about the citizenry recognizing the definition of a 'natural born citizen' that there is overwhelming historical evidence - including its being taught in the universities of the day - the constitutional Framers were going by when they put that eligibility requirement in their contract for that particular office. It is from the definitive tome of the day on such subjects, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'. Quote (from Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212): "The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens..." So there is no question about his usurpation of the office; vested interests (in both major political parties of our day) to the contrary notwithstanding.

So all that needs to happen is that he is arrested - by oath keepers - and held for trial (on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason); the sitting Congress is dissolved, for not doing its constitutional duty in regards to a rogue executive; and an Officer of The People is appointed by the oath keepers, who will call for elections within a time certain, and in the meantime, clean out the executive branch of the federal government of its infestation of termites. And this way, all of the legislation that the Usurper has signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he has issued, and all of the appointments that he has made (including to the SCOTUS, and lesser courts), go with him, into the trash bin.

And we start anew, in alignment with the founding principles of this special nation.


Yeah, let's do that coup thing. After all, it worked so well in Turkey.
You start, I'll be right behind ya.


Yes, it does seem a bit quixotic, doesn't it. And normally, I might agree with you. (Although, to fight for one's country against despicability, despite the odds, is not a bad thing.)  But you see, Jane, this is not a 'normal'' situation. This is the end of The Play.
Things have been brought to their Completion. The battle is now global. And either the Dark wins the world. Or the Light wins. And the Light wins. For, that is the way things simply Are. Much to the annoyance, and frustration, and resistance, of the Dark. But there you go. That's life, in this universe.
I can't speak for any others, of course. But then, when you have attained the consciousness level of a Creator, I would think that it would be a safe bet to go with the Light. Since everything is made up OF Light. Its absence being non-substainable. A shadow; nothing more. Of the real thing. The All That Is.
And by the way: It would not be a coup. That has already taken place. It would be a counter-revolution. A setting back to rights, of the federal constitutional republic of the united States of America.
Constitution and all.


Or actually, a step further, from The Process; into the final state of Synthesis.

But not to complicate the picture too much at this point...

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