Friday 22 July 2016

The Test

My Fellow Americans:

As you return to your homes from the Republican Party's Nominating Convention, or return to your 'regularly scheduled programming' for a brief respite from all that 'politicking' before the next salvo comes in, from the Democrat Party Nominating Convention, I ask you to give a thought to your souls, and specifically, your soul development.

You see, there is a great battle going on, and reaching its crescendo now.  The battle - the Battle - between the forces of the Dark and the forces of the Light.  Although it is all relative.1  To say: the forces of the Dark don't understand that they are actually working for the Light.  They really believe in their dark orientation.  You see, they are like termites; they thrive in the Dark.

And with their devious, termite-like minds, they have figured out how to get at you, in this last bastion of the Light on Earth:

by burrowing.2  Sneak up on you out of sight, using the landmass itself as their cover.

To that end, 3 they have installed whole cities underground, from which they plan to launch an attack on you; coordinated with an above-ground pincer movement, from such as 'refugees' imported for the purpose,4 and from such as ports and port cargo in their control.5

This is as much as I can say for now.  The forces of the Light can't interfere in your Process.  It is The Law; part of The Prime Directive.  But after all, I am not telling you anything that 'you' don't already know.  It's just not in 'your' awareness sufficiently yet, to gain ascendency in your awareness, and multiply.  So: It is your victory.  To win.  Or to lose.  Your choice.

I trust in The Process; and that it is your win.  And then I can take over.  To lead you into your Golden Age.  Having passed

The Test.



1 'There is nothing either right or wrong but thinking makes it so.'  You have heard that one??
   Read on...

2 Actually, other countries are coming online in and with that orientation as well.  But this nation is The Big One: the big, crowning prize.

3 And positioning for a safe haven for your erstwhile masters, if push comes to nuclear shove.
   They do believe in the Samson Option, remember.  Anything to defeat the hated goy.
   Well; maybe 'hate' is not the best, most operative word.  Maybe 'inferior' is the better word; as in 'looked down on'.  Because their 'God' - their tribal god; most probably one of the Anunnaki - led them to believe in their superiority as a people.  And we have been subjected to their passionate ministrations for gaining the upper hand, wherever they are, ever since.  Burrs under the saddle - tools actually of the Most High - as they have been.  Tools for transformation.
   But to continue.

4 Who don't understand that they are being used, to further the end of their seeming enemy, in a battle between Islam and Judaism.  With the employment of the motto of Mossad: 'By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War'.
   And oh, how the Jews (Israelis, actually.  Ashkenazim, more actually.  Khazarians, even more actually; possibly) seem to enjoy dressing up as Ayrabs, and playing their war games in drag.
   But to continue.
   P.S. And not to say that 'the Jews' are our only nemesis.  There are the Jesuits.  And ancient Iranian bloodlines.  And it goes on.
   But to continue.

5 9/11 - the original 9/11 - was in part accomplished through the Port Authority there.  Another, though directly related, story.
   But just to mention: the Chinese are also being used in this War Gaming going on.  (Especially on the West Coast of the target.)  The Jews being so arrogant as to think that they can take over once their shock troops have done their job for them.  Forgetting that the Chinese are old hands at all this sort of thing themselves.
   But to continue.


P.S. Trump's daughter gave a thoughtful and impressive nominating speech for him at the Convention.  But she touched on some subjects that need questioning.  In short, and for example, she - and her father - need to be asked:
   Just why do you think that the president has the power to do some of the things that you referred to (like mandating 'equal pay' and federally mandated childcare) - legally.  Just because 'the government' has been doing them??  But that doesn't mean that 'the government' has been doing those sorts of things constitutionally.
   And your father is running on the plank in part of 'Law and Order'.
   Just saying.
   Check your premises, young lady.
   And Donald:
   You too.  Apparently.
   Realizing, that two wrongs do not make a right.
   Any more than the fact that the Usurper in the Oval Office, who has been able to get away with his usurpation so far, which has opened the door for the likes of ted Cruz to run for that office as well, makes the latter any more right than the former.
   Just saying.

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