Sunday 3 July 2016

On The Way

‘’Good evening, everybody, and those watching and listening in.  Thank you for responding to my urgent message for this Town Meeting.

‘As your mayor, I have an important message to pass on from the governor.  An extremely important message.  

'The drought is getting worse, and there is no end to it in sight.  Drinking water is becoming a premium.  So, most everybody is being asked to move out of the state.  That’s how serious this situation is.  And we will even help you move.  Now, - ‘


I’ll take questions later, if you don't mind.  Now, - ‘

‘But sir - excuse me - but if the citizenry is being asked to move out, why are illegal aliens moving in?’

(A stir in the audience; heads revolving towards the speaker)

‘What are you talking about?  No, don’t answer that.  Let me finish - ’

‘I’m talking about what I have seen with my own eyes.’

‘Are you being racist?’

(Dark muttering from the audience)

’No, sir.  I’m just being observant.’

‘Well, first of all, you mean ‘undocumented workers’.  And secondly, that may appear to be true in some areas.  But they’re obviously just looking for stuff to recycle, plastic bottles and things.  Good workers that they are.’

(Assenting murmurs from the majority of the audience; as a couple of ushers move towards the interrupting citizen)

‘Excuse me, sir, but they’re taking over whole apartment complexes in my neighborhood.’

(Other murmuring starting up from the audience.  The mayor, in a friendly placating way;)

‘You must have a lot of recyclables in your neighborhood.’

(Laughs from the majority of the audience)

‘Oh.  I see.  Well, thank you, sir, for the advice.  But I think I will stay put.’ 

(The ushers begin to try to take him away; but he refuses to budge.  The mayor changes his tone; smoothly:)

‘And what is your name?  And address?’

‘Do you want my Social Security number too?  - Take your hands off me.’ (Said to the ushers; who are acting now more like the bouncers that on second thought they actually look like)

’No, we don’t need that.  We will be issuing you a number of our - I mean…’

‘I know precisely what you mean.  Sir.’

(The mayor, responding in a cool, menacing tone:) 

‘At least you know how to address me.’

’To your face.  Yes.  Sir.’

(A gasp from some in the audience)

‘And just what do you mean by that?’

‘Just sayin’.  Sir.’

(The audience is getting restless.  Some, perhaps most, are obviously taking the side of the mayor; but others are starting to speak up in defense of the citizen, who is now struggling mightily with the bouncers.
The mayor gives a nodding signal, and a considerable number of obvious bouncer types now move in to restore order.
Those of the citizenry watching on TV are Cut To the station commentators for smooth talk; those listening in are being talked to smoothly by the commentator at the radio station; all ‘papering over’ all of the activity going on at the meeting.
The rest of the citizenry go on about their business in the city.  Where it is business as usual.  Which includes a lot of growing-more-exasperated hunting for parking spaces.
The climate is not the only thing that is, and has been, in ‘drought’ conditions, in the otherwise peaceful city.
Where looks can be deceiving.)

from ‘CLINTON NIGHTMARE: State Dept. Reveals Who May Have Gotten ALL of Hillary’s emails’ - July 2 
(It appears that the Russians got them.  But the State Dept. is keeping the FOIA requester, Judicial Watch, from getting them…)


Since Obama and friends seem intent on delaying the release of Clinton emails until after the election...we can hope that Putin releases them.
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Rico Mapster - The ONLY reason the State Dept is releasing Hillary's emails is the fact that they lost a lawsuit with Freedom Watch. Freedom Watch's FOIA requests were just ignored for years. Even now, the State Dept is releasing the emails as slowly as they can with most of them redacted to the point of being black pieces of paper. How about if the State Dept is just shut down until they comply with the law!!
Unlike · Reply · like.png 13 - 8 hrs

Randall D. Rigsby: Refusing to release legally mandated emails should be a felony, and all those officially involved in the obstruction of justice should be jailed. No fine, since the taxpayers should not have to stand for the State Department not abiding by the law.

Either we mean business to SET THIS NATION TO RIGHTS or we don't.

And as I grit my teeth one more time, at the appalling arrogance of some people, and all the corruption - and growing-more-overt moves towards the totalitarian New World Order - going on…

I am reminded of the time in my early college days telling a gf one evening that I felt as though I were in an envelope that I was having to fight my way out of.  I felt cut off, somehow; that my mind was in a prison of sorts.  And that it was extremely frustrating.  

I feel better now, after some true education in my life.  But I still have that basic feeling.  So: I can’t say that I KNOW what will happen, to and for the world.  But I can tell you what I think, and hope, will happen:

That there is an Ascension process going on.  That we all are - we are - to think our way out of ‘the box’; to discover the key to unlock it, and open it.  Which is Love.

Oops.  My bad.

Find that out - ‘out’- for yourself.   For, that’s what it’s all about.  

If I may be permitted a crude analogy, and then I will leave off this brief comment on things fundamental (to Going Up; or down; whichever it may be, individually, to whomever):

An individual grape doesn’t want to be eaten, because it likes - ‘knows’ - its own identity; not understanding that it was a) cultivated, and b) in order to be eaten, and absorbed into, incorporated into, a - the - larger Identity; as a vital part of It.  And, in a transmuted form, becomes part of a fine wine.

Welcome to the late stages of the transmutation process.


Just one more thing, and then I’ll let ‘it’ go for now.

Our job in life - well; one of them - is not to provide jobs.  It is to phase them out.  In order to release ourselves, in time (in ‘time’), to be more creative, take more creative pursuits.  To, er, cultivate ourselves…

So, Trump - bless him; for what he is doing, standing - ‘standing’ - for (and Bernie too, in his - ‘his’ - way) - needs to be -

altogether now - 


The right way.

The ‘Right’ way?


The correct way.

The more correct 


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