Tuesday 5 July 2016

Johnny, Get Your Gun

And speaking of 'smoking guns,' as came up in my last blog:

from teaparty.org: ‘Gun Owners to Jerry Brown: Come and Take It’ - July 4 (orig. posted at sacbee.com - July 3)
(”(Sac Bee) – Fifty or so gun activists gathered Saturday morning at Sacramento’s Cesar Chavez Plaza to protest Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing of six gun control measures they said would turn “law-abiding citizens into criminals.”…”)


Let's call a spade a spade, shall we? And since I live in CA, and have for many years, I feel that I can speak with some awareness about the situation on the ground here. 

Which is that CA is on the verge of takeover from SEEMINGLY the far Left, with the help of millions of illegal aliens, invited into this state for just that purpose; who have gotten onto the voter reg rolls because of a Motor Voter law, signed by said guv, which makes said rolls easily available now to IA's, because they can now get driver's licences in this state, courtesy of the same scum in the state legislature, and the same scum of a governor. Who happens to be trained by the Jesuits, by the way, who are behind a lot of the New World Order crap going on in the country (and the world). And about whom I said advisedly that the IA's were "invited" into this state, because Gov. Brown was caught telling an audience, known to have many IA's in it (in the L.A. area), "You are welcome here". Indeed, Guv. It fits your agenda, doesn't it. 

This is the New World Order crowd at work, who want to 'give' 7 states of the S/W of the U.S.A. 'back' to the La Raza crowd, in exchange for their votes, to break up the former U.S., and turn it into just part of a region - called the North American Union - of their vaunted NWO. Because it isn't really the far Left that is behind all this. It is a nest of corporate and banker vipers at the top of the pyramid of power that is behind all this. Which sincere leftists need to wake up to. They are being had, in their blind pursuit of environmental and social 'justice'. In the same way that the Mensheviks were used to pave the way for the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution of 1917. 

If you are wondering how the IA's get on the voter reg rolls and are not 'caught': All they have to do is sign up "on penalty of perjury" that they are eligible; but since there is no enforcement, there is no deterrent. Sweet. 

We need to take our country back from these vermin. But we need to wake up in order to do it. And not look to the Republican Party to help out against the Democrats. The Republican Party is part of the problem. A maverick likeTrump just might do it. But it will never happen without an awakened citizenry, to ALL that is going on. On our watch. This generation. This election year. With a sore need to cleanse the electoral system, from top to bottom. Which includes doing away with the electronic voting machines; which have proven to be capable of being hacked, in a number of ways. 

Now is the time to come to the aid of our country. Later would be too late.

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