Monday 4 July 2016

And Another Thing

I see that the FBI, under the Obominable administration, and in a far cry from the halcyon days of the Untouchables, has issued an official document that declares “anti-government extremism,” specifically NOT 'radical Islamic extremism,' to be “the most severe threat” to the nation.

Oh, really?  Now, why would that be???…

The only reason that that would be is that the FBI has succumbed to the same takeover mentality of the rest of the Usurper’s cohorts in that crime.  Them, and TPTB behind the whole takeover plot.

A look into that plot.

With all of these false flag ops, like 9/11, and outright hoaxes, like the Sandy Hook (proven) FEMA exercise, and the Boston Marathon Bombing (even announced-at-the-event) “drill”, and this recent Orlando gay nightclub ‘thing’, I am convinced, off the growing evidence - all replete with their casts of (many identified) crisis actors - I am reminded of the time, in my chequered past, when I was hitting the beer bars on a Friday night with a fellow driver at the bumper repair business that we were delivery agents for, when I was playing a quick game of 8-ball in a way that caused my opponent to say, skeptically (thinking that I may be a hustler), “You aren’t really that bad, are you?”1

I say this, because the fingerprints of ‘scam’ are all over these events.  

To what end are they?  

Takeover.  Control.

By whom?

By those in our world who think they are better than the rest of us, and want to control the world to that end.  But the events don’t hold up well, on closer inspection.

Why not?

I have a theory. 

These scalawags are allowed - by a Higher Power - to get away with their dark-side plottings - instigated by a Lower Power - as long as they leave some tell-tale fingerprints around.


To test us.

Our awareness.

Our ability to use our free will in an aware way.  And thus, grow from the experiences that we go through, in this 3D classroom realm.

Instead of just going asleep.

In our programmed forgetfulness.

Of who, and what, we are.  Really. 

Take the examples that I mentioned.

The event is presented, directly, or at a soon point, on TV, for all the world to see…whatever it is that the organizers of the event want us to see.

And then things start not adding up.  Or that is, start adding up to suspicion.  By an aware audience.

The stories start changing.  (‘Well, actually, no one was killed until the SWAT Team went in.’  ‘But what about the story already told that…’)  And then there is, like, the three Jeff Baumans.2  Very much like the Three Stooges, with all this slapstick going on.  As, e.g., the same crisis actor popping up at three different ‘mass shooting’ sites.  

Read, more accurately: ‘mass shooting’ assignments…

Do they have your attention yet, to the details???

I know that you have been ‘downsized’ on that issue in life by the lack of training in school to learn how to spell.  But this is getting into the realm of the ridiculous.

Come, spell it out, people!  Follow the breadcrumb clues.  

And then there is the Muslim ‘thing’.

On the one hand, their use as a convenient ‘bad guy’. (‘Look!  Look here!  I’m an Arab.  See??’)   But also regarding the growing use and recognition of Shariah law in this country., in the attempt to break down the U.S.A. that is going on.

It is true that the U.S.A. was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  But I don’t see American law commanding the equivalent of jihad.  Or the stoning of adulteresses.  And so forth.  So: No Shariah law in this country.  If a person - of any race, religion, or nationality - wants to live in this country, a) they are welcome to come in by the front door; and b) they need to, and agree to, live under American law.  


And that’s not to single out the Muslims in this whole matter.  Zionist Jews (aka the Khazarian Mafia, or Rothschild Zionists) are also up to their necks in all the skullduggery going on; in the world, and in a country the law of which they chafe under, because a) it gives people too much freedom, to behave in ways that they don’t like, and b) they can’t finagle their way into running the operation easily, as they have tried in nations all over the world, and over and over again, for years, and years, and years.  Their sense of being the ‘Chosen People’ being what it is.

Which needs to change.

But let me continue, and then wrap this blog up on this subject.  (For now.)

The subject, of the takeover of the world, by malevolent beings.   Who have hit on such tactics, to accomplish their ‘mission,’ as chemical, and biological, and nuclear, warfare.

How so, precisely.

By the likes of chemtrails.  And chemicals inserted in our foods.  To accomplish various purposes.

Item.  GMOs.  You may have thought that Monsanto et al have been fighting off attempts to have their foods labeled as such in order to make money.  (And big money at that.)  But consider.  That 'they' - TPTB, and their low-life minions - have figured out how to make foods: cause disease; decrease IQ; shorten lifespan; induce political passiveness and apathy…

…which latter subject also reminds one of the addition of fluoride to our drinking water supplies…3  

And all of this, is not even to mention the addition of a genetically engineered bacteriophage put into vaccines, in order to kill us.  Besides other ingredients put in them designed to weaken us…

In short.

These people we are up against are evil incarnate.

That’s why the victory of the Light over them, and of all Lightbearers, will be so much sweeter.

Thanks for making that possible, gang.  

You can slink back into the shadows of our minds, now.  And come out again in, oh, say, a thousand years?

To test the waters again.  

But don’t be surprised if the waters have changed.

And in more ways than having had the fluoride, and other toxins, stripped out of it.

In sum (and spelled out):

Come on, people of America.  Rise to this occasion.  We have not only a nation but the world to win for the Light.  With other Lighbearers in the world.  Making us One.

The right way.

For the right Way.


1 Not being one to be put off my game, I feigned casually to be off my game at the moment, and then got out of that bar, with my drinking buddy, and into another, before the guy found out the truth.  

2 One - the ‘original’ - with his legs off - at the site (and surreptitiously fitted there with a prosthetic bone; before being taken off in a wheelchair, which is the last angle that you would want to put such an injured person in if you were in a real scene, rather than a make-believe scene) - below the knees, a later one with them off at the knees, and an even later one with them off above the knees.
   You can’t make this stuff up.   
   Although someone did.

3 even though any supposed benefit of fluoridation - and there is substantial research to show that even that is negligible - is topical.  Not systemic.  (Topical; as in it kills bacteria.  Because among its other harmful characteristics, it is a poison.  And an enzyme inhibitor.  And…and,,,...and………)


Meanwhile, at the barriers or not-so...):

further from ‘Canada Mexican Airlift - Obama’s Answer To Trump Border Wall’- Rick Wells - July 4
(“The foreign enemy squatting in our White House has come up with a plan. He is doing it as part of the conspiracy (sorry, did that word “trigger” you?) that was on display this past week in Canada between the invading forces of Mexico, the newly created wide open Canadian northern invasion front, and the enemy combatant who has seized power in America.
In response to Donald Trump’s intentions of building a wall across the Mexican border to protect the United States from invasion, Obama will open another front, by proxy. His new best friend forever, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is creating a border-crashing super highway in Canada. The terrorists have already started their entry and the economic and cultural attack is now officially underway as well. It’s a certainty; the agreement has already been signed by the North American Union secret partners…”)

Karen Bracken // July 5, 2016 at 12:56 am // Reply

This is why the border wall (it also needs to be charged with about 12,000 volts of electricity) isn’t enough. We must also cut off all benefits including health care, education, jobs, welfare, anchor babies. If Trump doesn’t include these factors into his plan to stop illegal immigration then he is not really serious. We all know they will figure out a way to get here so we need to also make it impossible for them to live once they get here.

  Stan // July 5, 2016 at 2:07 pm // Reply
          (Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

          Indeed, Karen. As many Americans experienced today, with their picnics: Open food 
          attracts ants. Put it another way: Screw the lid on taught to the honey pot, and that 
          won’t attract moochers either. So we have to take some measure of blame in and to
          this mess.

          A strong leader will only partly set this nation to rights. The rest is up to us, in our 
          communities, and states.

          Freedom is not free.

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