Thursday 17 August 2017

An Inconvenient Truth

      I'll Have
Law And Order
   With A Twist

And speaking of what I was just referring to, at the end of my last blog; of alternatives too unthinkable to contemplate, and things being allowed to get out of control:

“When you politicize law enforcement, that is the end of civilization.”

Quoting Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, in an interview with a female lawyer who is representing 17 people who were attacked by leftist thugs at a Trump rally in San Jose “in which the city [with a liberal mayor] denied police protection to the Trump supporters”1 - precisely as just happened in Charlottesville, with the pro-statue supporters (take that, you leftists, instead of repeating your party line and thus helping you inculcate it into the public's thinking as a meme), upon the cancellation of their permit to stage a peaceful protest rally in the park in question, being forced to exit right by the same sort of rent-a-mob, with the same organizations involved in its makeup, and being attacked by it, which confrontation unfortunately escalated to the point of the death of a young woman from the counter-protest ranks.  Whose death is as well - i.e., besides the driver of the car involved - on the heads of the city authorities (with - surprise surprise - another liberal mayor) who allowed that confrontation to take place and get out of hand.  With things thrown, mostly by the counter-protestors, reportedly including containers of urine and feces, rocks, bits of concrete or bricks, full water bottles, and - most heinously - soda cans filled with cement.

Soda cans filled with cement…That is lethal.  That could cause a concussion, or take someone’s eye out.  And the police had/have a policy of letting things go, in such confrontations (and even actually stoking them into being, to fulfill the revolutionary ends of TPTB), until someone is killed???2

Tucker Carlson is absolutely right.

Things have gotten out of hand.

President Trump must restore law and order in the nation.

Or I will.   

And that will be the end of all that sort of nonsense.  

Higher primates or no:

We can do better than this.


it's time to, anyway.     


1 and she is representing some plaintiffs in the same sort of situation as happened in Berkeley as well.  Again, with a liberal mayor...see a pattern here???...
   (The quote from Rick Wells’s article on the subject, ‘Charlottesville Leftist Thugs Already Named in San Jose, Berkeley Lawsuits’ - August 16/17.)

2 A Fox News reporter even asked a policeman where they were going, when things started getting out of hand, and the police started exiting 'the stage'.  The reply: They were getting out of there.  It was "getting too dangerous".
   Too dangerous for the police to deal with.........
   There is a message - for the American public - in that statement.
   That things have gone far enough, down this road.
   Time for another.

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