Thursday 17 August 2017

To Have And Have Not

What do I think of this spasm of iconoclasm going on in this country?

Not much.  That is to say: All decisions in such matters are up to the responsible persons involved, to make those sorts of decisions.   The citizens of the towns and cities involved, through their elected representatives, in reasoned debate; or the county representatives involved, or whatever legally responsible entity, make those sorts of decisions. 

Full.  Stop.

Statues and monuments are funny things, figuratively speaking.  There they stand, in our towns and cities, for the most part overlooked; symbols of a bygone era, marking something historical.  And as such, have value, for the value that history is for we, the living.  To learn from.  And acknowledge, periodically.  And then, sometimes, seemingly ‘all of a sudden,’ they can come alive, leaping out at us, as it were.  Into our consciousness.  By some event or other.  And often, the event marking an overthrow.  Of a regime being torn down.

But mark a couple of things well, Citizens, in this current rash of activity.

One.  In this country, you don’t get your way by violence.  That ’way’ just encourages more violence.  That is not the way of this country.  This county subscribes to the rule of law.  That is the way that it has been.

And that is the way that it will be.

I’m sure that the various Founding Fathers had some cogent comments to make about all this sort of thing.  (I know of some in particular.)  They were very astute, in their crafting of a nation - a republic - about all this sort of thing.  Of what worked, from a historical perspective.  And what didn’t.  At least, not for very long.  And I encourage the citizenry to reacquaint themselves with those cogent observations.  

Now - and secondly - I understand that our educational acquaintance with all that sort of thing has been sorely lacking, because of a takeover of our institutions of learning, by subversives, bent on the destruction and overthrow of this country.*  And that sore state of affairs needs to be addressed, and rectified, as being, having been, part of the problem.  So we have a lot of work to do, to set things to rights in this country.

Let’s be about it.

More to follow, in that regard.  This has just been a comment of acknowledgment as to where we are.

Coming up (in more detail than I have given previously in these pages):

Where we need to be. 

And will be.

And in all of this: Not to say that this country has been perfect, as regards the treating of its own citizenry and of other nations. 

But that is not a call for its overthrow.

It is a call for its rectification.

Full.  Stop.

The bottom line:

Come, let us reason together.

And if you won't:

Your choice.


* Aided and abetted immeasurably by our mainstream media.  And many 'non-profit' organizations.  And the so-called Establishment.  Bent on global control.
   More on all of which, another time.


In Charlottesville

What I saw
In Charlottesville
On that dark day
Was the police
            the two
Very polarized
Sides together
In a sort of kettling
Process, and then
   to let them 
   have at it.


We’ll get
To the bottom
       of it.

Don’t you worry.


P.S. All these statues and monuments that are being vandalized, by what is really the New World Order's shock troops, aka cannon fodder??
     They will all go back up.  And where the perps can be identified, they will help pay for their misdeeds.  One way or another.  As a simple message:
     Not in my country, you won't.
     an American patriot

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