Tuesday 22 August 2017

On Being Up To Here

Beginning to lose it, with the Khazarian Mafia running things these days to a veritable fare-thee-well.  It needs to stop being all their way.

from americanupdate.com: ‘Bill O’Reilly Blasts Trump for Ignorance’ - Ashley Boucher; The Wrap - August 21 
(A click bait header, playing on the idea of the ‘violence’ of the ‘white supremacists’ in Charlottesville, and how so many people “have no clue as to how German Nazis went about their lethal business.  And that includes President Trump and many other politicians….”)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (August 22)

For all that O'Reilly thinks he knows about WWII and the Nazis, he seems to have a gap in his knowledge about the concentration camps. They were NOT as they have largely been portrayed. The 'six million Jews killed in the Nazi death camps' for example is a lie, that was promoted by Jews in order to get big reparations money from Germany, and sympathy from the world, in order to support their takeover of the Palestine area. (The 'six million Jews' meme came from the early years of the 20th century, when Zionist Jews were trying to make a case for a homeland for the Jews because they 'calculated' that 6 million Jews had been lost in the Diaspora over the centuries.) There was no gassing of the inmates; the gas was for killing lice, and there is absolutely no evidence that it was used in the shower spaces. And so forth.

Get your facts right, O'Reilly, before making such comments as to show that you have been brainwashed. And stop blaming Trump for anything. He is doing the best he can, to turn this nation around from being taken over by the New World Order mob.


P.S. I realize, in hindsight, that my general disgust with unfactual stuff was also occasioned this evening by an e-newsletter from my Congressman in which he excoriated the (legally permitted) rallygoers in Charlottesville - calling them all the names that have been thrown at them by the NWO's spokespeople - and called the other side, quote, "peaceful counter-protestors".

Those "peaceful counter-protestors" who were all ready for the right-wingers (led into that trap by the police, who then quietly melted away, to let both sides have at it; for reasons rather obvious by now) with baseball bats, axe handles, 2x4 clubs, boards with screws protruding, throwable containers filled with urine and feces, even an improvised flamethrower, and - as I have said before in these pages - "most heinously, to my mind," soda cans filled with cement.  Which can cause terrible physical damage.

All, well prepared in advance, by these "peaceful counter-protestors"...

I fired back as even-headed an email response to my Congressman as I could, closing with a request for him to join in in an in-depth investigation of that deliberately-spawned confrontation, which has a lot of questions about it still hanging in the air.  Not just as having been "deliberately spawned".  But as having elements of a staged operation about it; and long in the planning at that.  

"Peaceful counter-protestors" my, er, foot.


P.S. And I have just discovered, on James Fetzer's website (jamesfetzer dot blogspot dot com; 'Trump Fights Back on 3 Fronts,' Aug. 18), what I have belatedly also just posted on my previous blog on this subject: that the Antifa logo is an exact though inverted replica of the Communist Party's flag of 1932 Germany.
     So, that is indeed what we are up against, in opposition to Pres. Trump.  And thus, why all the references in the mainstream, to say leftist, media to him being like Hitler. 
     Because he is.  To them.

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