Monday 21 August 2017

Lessons Of History - Current Part

from ‘Obama DHS Secretary: Removal of Confederate Statues Is ‘Homeland Security’’ - August 21
(“(Washington Free Beacon) Former Obama administration official Jeh Johnson said the removal of Confederate statues was a matter of “public safety and homeland security” on Sunday…”
Right.  The perfect cover for the vandals attempting to destroy the history of this country (a la the wise words of George Orwell in that regard) and move it into their masters’ totalitarian New World Order, as merely a part of a region thereof; no longer a discrete nation-state on its own…)*

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (August 21)

Dear Mr. Johnson,

In this country, the government is by the consent of the governed. Not the other way around. The People, via their elected representatives - NOT via the violence of a mob - will make these sorts of decisions. The proper authorities are in charge. And if The People don't like a decision by their elected representatives, they can mount a recall petition, and change their elected representatives to ones who do reflect their wishes, if it is of a critical nature timewise, or vote them out of office at the next election if time is not of the crucial essence. In any event, The Mob does not rule in this country; and should not be allowed to believe, by the actions of some representatives of The People, that they can get away with their highhanded usurpation of the Rule of Law.

Every statue or monument that is torn down should be put back up, and dealt with in the legal way for things to be dealt with, in this country. And those who vandalize should not only be jailed for their illegal activities, but be forced to make financial restitution towards the setting of things to rights that they caused to be put wrong. And that goes for those behind the scenes who bankrolled their illegal activities.

It's time, that is to say, for a lot of things to be set to rights in this country. And your comments are not helpful in that regard. In fact, they are hurtful in that regard.


* Orwell’s words on the subject: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
   A subject that our erstwhile masters know full well about.  And are busily involved in implementing.

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